
Counter Strike 1.6 CLEAN | FPSBOOST!

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Author Message3411

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Post Posted: 06-10-2017, 13:36:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Salut Freakz, vreau sa va arat un Counter Strike CLEAN.

Ce ofera acest CS:

- 100% clean rip from Steam GCFs (Game cache files)
- Includes latest CS 1.6 bots
- Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Client
- Client can join P47 as well as P48 servers
- Dual Protocol (48 + 47) Dedicated Server is also included
- Working Dedicated and Listen server (Steam and non-Steam)
- Working server browser with Internet, Favorite and LAN tabs
- Full protection against all types of slow hacking servers
- Compatible with latest sXe Injected anticheat
- Include latest Metamod-P v1.21p37
- Include latest AMX Mod X v1.8.2 (disabled by default)
- HLTV is also included and works
- Engine version ( build 4554)
- Playable on Internet and LAN
- Can be used as Portable
- FPS Boost can activated by execute fpsboost.cfg.
- AWP Crosshair

Daca scrieti in consola "exec gfx/fpsboost.cfg" fara " veti avea FPS BOOST ON.
Nu aveti LAG deloc, ping super mic, anti-destroy.
Modelele, gui-ul, sunetele etc.. sunt toate default!
Unii cauta un CS de genul acesta, si vi l-am oferit.
Un CS bine pus la punct, elegant -
Tinta la AWP.
Protocol 47+48.



Pe Torrent nu l-am pus, pt. ca se descarca foarte repede fara Torrent, pe Girlshare e o viteza destul de mare.

Spuneti-mi daca va place!

Have Fun!

Nu am drepturi de autor. [Am luat CS-ul de pe si l-am modificat gen fpsboost.cfg, gui-ul etc..]

Dau sa sara sange, pt iubirea mea Alexia <3

New Patch: CS 1.5

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