
[DUPLICATE] [Dummy] Related Bugs

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Post Posted: 06-05-2017, 16:38:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Stormwind :

1.1. Raider's Training Dummy have a specific HP and most of the time i go there, They are dead considering t's PTR and there is not much people

1.2. Training Dummy has only 1 HP and Advanced Training Dummy health is so low that we can't test AOE damage for even a short period

1.3. PvP Training Dummys outside of stormwind have only 22 Health

1.4. PVE Tank Training Dummy outside of stormwind receives damage as negative numbers with huge amount and doesn't count on "Details", Also i don't know when but sometimes it just makes my pets disappear

Proof: Freakz Video

2. Hall of the Guardians (Mage):

2.1. None of dummies in hall of the guardians accept a full channeled Arcane Missiles (wowhead link)

Proof: Freakz Video

Update: Sometimes it does but most of the times i go there i can't actually channel it completely

2.2. Right side dummy (Lesser Bulwark Construct) doesn't accept Arcane Barrage (wowhead link)

Proof: Freakz Video

3. Acherus: The Ebon Hold (Death Knight):

3.1. Dummies on Acherus can be pulled by Sludge Belcher (wowhead link)'s Hook (wowhead link)

Proof: Freakz Video

3.2. Who doesn't love those chains on Reanimated Monstrosity's hands ? Also the way that they roar when you dps them. We appreciate if you could implement Those (If you only had time)

Pic: Reanimated Monstrosity's Chains

I can't check them all unfortunately for now, I'll try to add more in future

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Post Posted: 15-09-2017, 14:36:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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