
[DUPLICATE] [Rogue][PVE/PVP] Eviscerate Redone!!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2013, 18:35:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description:Damage-ul pe criticala dar si pe hit de la eviscerate mai mic decat ar trebuii. formula este de pe scalata pentru rogue de level 85:
Requires Melee weapon
35 Energy Melee range
Instant cast
Finishing move that causes damage per combo point:
1 point : [334 + 884*1 + 9.1% of AP]-[1000 + 884*1 + 9.1% of AP] damage
2 points: [334 + 884*2 + 18.2% of AP]-[1000 + 884*2 + 18.2% of AP] damage
3 points: [334 + 884*3 + 27.3% of AP]-[1000 + 884*3 + 27.3% of AP] damage
4 points: [334 + 884*4 + 36.4% of AP]-[1000 + 884*4 + 36.4% of AP] damage
5 points: [334 + 884*5 + 45.5% of AP]-[1000+ 884*5 + 45.5% of AP] damage

Dovada / Proof: am postat screenshoturi eviscerate dummy 0 armor 0 resil... dar si cu caracterul meu ca sa observati atk powerul..

deci eu avand 16215 atk power cu landslide procuit ar trebuii sa dau la 5 combo points fara revealing strike aggression coup de grace savage combat:
334+((884*5)+16215*0.455)pana la 1000+((884*5)+16215*0.455)=334+4420+7215.675 pana la 1000+4420+7215.675=11969.675 pana la 12635.675

luand in considerare talentele dmg-ul exprimat in procente ar fi:
100%(normail dmg fara talente etc)*145%(revealing strike+glyph)*120%(aggression)*120%(coup de grace)*104%savage combat=217.152%

deci dmg pe hit cu eviscerate ar fi 11969.675*2.17152=25992.388656 iar pe criticala dublu 51984.777312in screenshot se vede criticala de 29129 damage deci o pierdere de ... a damageului pe criticala...
limita superioara ar fi 12635.675*2.17152=27438.620976 criticala 54877.241952
totusi una e 29k una 50-55k.. o sa fac in seara asta si calculele pentru rupture si ce nu mai merge combat rogue..

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Post Posted: 16-02-2013, 23:21:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ti-am mai zis odata ca formulele de pe wowhead nu sunt bune si ca imi calculezi degeaba cu ele.
Formula buna e asta
Finishing move that causes damage per combo point:
  1 point  : (177 + ((536 * 1) + AP * 0.091) [b]* 1[/b])-(529 + ((536 * 1) + AP * 0.091)[b] * 1[/b]) damage
  2 points: (177 + ((536 * 2) + AP * 0.182) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 2) + AP * 0.182) * 1) damage
  3 points: (177 + ((536 * 3) + AP * 0.273) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 3) + AP * 0.273) * 1) damage
  4 points: (177 + ((536 * 4) + AP * 0.364) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 4) + AP * 0.364) * 1) damage
  5 points: (177 + ((536 * 5) + AP * 0.455) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 5) + AP * 0.455) * 1) damage

doar ca nu e aplicata chiar 100% corect in momentul de fata.
Nu am timp sa ma uit in detaliu, deci daca e cineva care stie sa calculeze cum trebuie si sa gandeasca sa se puna si sa faca un post calumea.
Ce am observat in 2 minute e ca nu e afectat de subt mastery si nu sunt 100% sigur dar am impresia ca 177le de la min damage ar trebui sa fie min weapon damage, iar 529le de la max damage ar trebui sa fie max weapon damage.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2013, 23:23:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Damage-ul scazut al eviscerat-ului este datorat faptului ca urmatoarele talente nu sunt functionale: (wowhead link) (wowhead link)
Ca bag, ca nu bag in ele eviscerate-ul are acelasi damage.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-02-2013, 03:18:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ok raster o sa fac calculele folosind formula postat de tine, odata neglijand min/max weapon damage odata cu ele on.
Finishing move that causes damage per combo point:
1 point : (177 + ((536 * 1) + AP * 0.091) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 1) + AP * 0.091) * 1) damage
2 points: (177 + ((536 * 2) + AP * 0.182) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 2) + AP * 0.182) * 1) damage
3 points: (177 + ((536 * 3) + AP * 0.273) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 3) + AP * 0.273) * 1) damage
4 points: (177 + ((536 * 4) + AP * 0.364) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 4) + AP * 0.364) * 1) damage
5 points: (177 + ((536 * 5) + AP * 0.455) * 1)-(529 + ((536 * 5) + AP * 0.455) * 1) damage
deci pentru 5 combo points neglijand weapon damage ar fi:
177+536*5+16215*0.455 - 529+536*5+16215*0.455 = 177+2680+7377.825 - 529+2680+7377.825 = 10234.825 - 10586.825
talent, glyph etc
10234.825*2.17152 - 10586.825*2.17152 = 22225.127184 - 22989.502224 respectiv criticale de 44450.254368 - 45979.004448

5 combo points cu arma fang of twilight normal 841-1563 dmg (ilvl 359)
841+2680+7377.825 - 1563+2680+7377.825= 10898.825 - 11620.825
talente glyph etc
10898.825*2.17152 - 11620.825*2.17152 = 23667.016464 - 25234.853904 respectiv criticale de 47334.032928 - 50469.707808

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-02-2013, 08:26:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)
nu stiu dak e bine

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-02-2013, 11:12:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thumbs UP !!! WE NEED A FIX !!!
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Post Posted: 21-02-2013, 14:27:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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