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Dungeon Guide: Atal'Dazar
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Posted: 03-12-2020, 19:56:05
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Welcome to the Dungeon Guide for Atal’Dazar!
Atal’Dazar initially is a Horde only dungeon, available from level 110 and once you have obtained the Heart of Azeroth, but unlocks for the Alliance at level 120. It is located in Zuldazar and the dungeon has 4 bosses (and a mini-boss.) On normal mode, the ilvl of the loot here is 310, on Heroic mode it’s 325 and on Mythic it’s 340, with the ilvl increasing with higher keys.
Noteworthy adds:
Dazar’ai Juggernauts
- These mobs will charge (they prefer ranged targets) and deal quite a bit of damage to anyone within 8 yards, but they can be dodged if you are fast enough.
So, spread out a bit as ranged classes.
They can also buff themselves, which increases their attack speed by 50%, increases their damage done by 20% and decreases their movement speed by 50% for 12 seconds, but the cast can be interrupted.
Dazar’ai Confessors
- They can heal for 25% of their target’s max health and they can spawn a golden dome/shield that makes their allies inside immune to crowd control.
Interrupt their heals and pull the adds out of the big, golden shields.
Dazar’ai Augur
- They cast Wildfire at random targets and it leaves the target with a dot that can be dispelled. They also cast Fiery Enchant when a Dazar’ai Juggernaut is nearby, which roots the Juggernaut but a lot of fire AoE damage will be thrown around, which can hurt. Interrupt this and burst the Augurs down.
Dazar’ai Colossus
- They gain a buff and are healed when other adds around them die. Kill these big guys first.
They also cast and channel Soulburn, which cannot be interrupted so healers need to pay attention to this.
Feasting Skyscreamer
- they cast an AoE fear that lasts for 6 seconds. Interrupt it.
Reanimated Honor Guard
- These guys always spawn a reanimation totem to help them. You’ll want to kill these totems first as they heal the Honor Guards for 5% of their max health every second. When the totem dies, the Honor Guard will gain a passive buff that deals a lot of nature damage every 2 seconds to everyone within 99 yards, so you have to burst them down after the totem dies. Other than that, the Honor Guard also uses Rending Maul, which deals a good amount of physical damage to the tank and has a dot that can stack.
Shadowblade Stalker
- This mob will stun if he is the one engaging. If you know where they are and use AoE to get them out of stealth, they won’t stun. Other than that, this guy is only really a threat to the tank. He has a buff that allows his auto attacks to sometimes deal bonus nature damage. He can also cast a spell that will increase his target’s nature damage taken by 100% for 8 seconds. During this time, you’ll want to CC the Stalker, use a defensive cooldown, kite the Stalker or make your healer cry.
Shieldbearer of Zul
- These guys can summon a dome as well, similar to the Confessors, but in a different colour and it reduces damage by 90% inside for their allies. So again, pull mobs out of these shields. Note, this is a channeling ability, it can be interrupted by displacement spells.
Toxic Saurids
- These tiny little raptors jump around a lot but their damage isn’t that bad and they don’t have a lot of health. Still annoying though.
Zanchuli Witch-Doctor
- These trolls can hex players, you’ll want to interrupt this whenever you can. If someone happens to be polymorphed, stay away from that person (there will be a big circle around them, stay out of that.) When the hex ends and there are people in the circle, they will get hexed and they will get a circle around them. When hexed, you can still move, but at a reduced speed, so you can also walk away from other players - just don’t pull more mobs.
Dinomancer Kish’o
She’s accompanied by 2 direhorn mobs;
Kish’o can be found patrolling the middle of the path in the very middle, on the path between the first and second bosses.
Abilities you will deal with:
- deals physical damage to the tank, a healer will have to deal with the damage as this ability cannot be interrupted.
Deadeye Aim
- deals physical damage to a random player that isn't the tank, a healer will have to deal with the damage as this ability cannot be interrupted.
Dino Might
- 1 of the 2 Direhorns will receive a buff that heals them for 1% of their max health every 0,5 seconds and makes them immune to CC for 10 seconds. You want to interrupt this or purge the buff from the direhorn.
Frenzied Charge
- This will target a random player and T’lonja will charge at them. T’lonja will hit everyone in its path, stunning them for 2 seconds and dealing physical damage. So make sure you remain spread out and the ranged players shouldn’t stand directly behind the melee players.
Wild Trash
- deals damage to everyone within 8 yards. This isn’t much of a problem.
So, for this encounter, you’ll want to kill Dinomancer Kish’o first, then T’lonja and finally Monzumi. Although it's not required, it's the order I recommend.
If you don’t want to deal with her, you can skip her in the beginning. However, you must kill her before you can reach the final boss.
Priestess Alun’za
She is the official first boss, but you don’t have to kill her first.
You’ll want to kill the adds around her first before fighting her.
During this encounter, you will have to deal with the following:
Gilded Claws
- Priestess Alun’za will cast this ability from time to time, giving her a buff that increases her melee attack’s physical damage by 150% for 12 seconds. This can be dispelled to help the tank or the tank can use some defensive ability to reduce the damage.
Tainted Blood
- These are pools of blood that will spawn around the Priestess. When stepping into these, you’ll get a dot that lasts for 15 seconds.
- Priestess Alun’za will cast this ability when she reaches 100 energy. After 5 seconds of channeling, she will link to all 5 players to deal damage to the players and heal herself for a large amount. To counter this, step into a pool of Blood. The debuff will cause the Priestess to take damage rather than heal her. When you have the Tainted Blood dot, the beam linking her to you, will be red rather than yellow/gold. So in the ideal world, every beam should be red.
Molten Gold
- Priestess Alun’za will put a dot on a random player that does damage every 3 seconds for 30 seconds. This should be dispelled.
Heroic and Mythic only:
Corrupted Gold
- These orbs will be moving around the boss area in straight lines. Players will want to stay away from these orbs, as running into an orb will deal high magic damage and give the player a 30% reduced damage debuff for 10 seconds.
Spirit of Gold
- Priestess Alun’za periodically summons a Spirit of Gold. This add will move to the pool of Tainted Blood and will try to remove the pool. You must kill this add ASAP to ensure there are pools of Tainted Blood left for when the Priestess hits 100 Energy and casts Transfusion. These Spirits can be CCd so you can buy some time.
Overall, this fight isn’t extremely difficult. Tank the Priestess on her throne, which is where the Spirits of Gold will spawn on Heroic or higher difficulty and the DPS can deal some AoE damage. Do make sure to focus these adds and to step into the pools of Tainted Blood when Priestess Alun’za casts Transfusion to avoid her healing herself.
Vol’kaal is the second boss of Atal’Dazar and has 2 phases.
Vol’kaal has the following abilities:
Toxic Leap
- Vol’kaal jumps to a target location. Players must run out of these green zones to avoid high damage and a knock back. It’s a big green circle, so it’s hard to miss. In order to deal with this, make sure everyone stays spread out to minimise the risk of dying. Vol’kaal will only use this ability during phase 1.
Noxious Stench
- Vol’kaal will periodically channel Noxious Stench, dealing nature damage and putting a stacking dot onto all of the players that also deals nature damage. The stacking dot can be very hard to deal with for healers when all players have numerous stacks, so make sure to interrupt Noxious Stench as soon as possible as a group.
Reanimated Totems
- During the first phase, 3 Reanimation Totems will spawn. They will spawn in a triangle pattern in the boss area. These totems must be dealt with before you can enter phase 2 and actually kill the boss.
Rapid Decay
- Vol’kaal will gain a buff that deals a bit of damage to himself every 0,8 seconds until he dies. However, he will also gain a 50% physical damage increase and will spew Toxic Pools. Toxic Pools land on or near players and deal a lot of damage. In addition, they last for 90 seconds. The tank must pull the boss near the edge of the boss area and only move when the melee players are in Toxic Pools.
Heroic and Mythic only:
- Reanimation Totems now cast Reanimate upon reaching 1 health, which heals them for 100% when finished casting, which takes 7 seconds. When all 3 totems cast Reanimate at the same time, their casts will get interrupted and the totems ‘die’. You’ll want to ‘kill’ the totems at the same time. Else, they will just get their health back and you’ll remain in phase 1. Once the totems are ‘dead’, phase 2 will start as usual.
All in all, this boss is more difficult than the Priestess, especially when people don’t know what to do. To sum this encounter up: don’t get squished by the boss, interrupt Noxious Stench as fast as possible, kill the totems (at the same time on Heroic or higher) and don’t stand in the Toxic Pools that the boss spews while the tank keeps the boss near the edge of the boss area.
Rezan is the official 3rd boss of Atal’Dazar and is located on the floor below. Positioning is very important with this fight as you have to deal with possible adds and a fear.
During the encounter, you will deal with the following:
Ancient Dry Bones
- These piles of bones are located throughout Rezan’s boss area. Stepping on them, will spawn a Reanimated Raptor and will slow the player that walked through a pile. Try your best to avoid these piles as too many can overwhelm your tank.
Terrifying Visage
- Rezan will periodically cast this ability, which fears everyone within line of sight for 6 seconds. In Rezan’s boss area, there are these big pillars in the middle for example. Use these to get out of line of sight. But don’t step into the piles of bones if possible. If players do get feared, it can be dispelled.
- After Terrifying Visage, Rezan will cast Pursuit on a random player. The cast takes 3 seconds, after which Rezan will chase the selected player for 12 seconds. During the chase, the player must kite Rezan and avoid the piles of bones. If Rezan catches up to them, he will cast Devour on them. Devour will deal a very large amount of damage every second for 8 seconds. Try saving any defensive cooldowns for this to help the healer out.
Serrated Teeth
- Rezan will use this ability on the tank, which deals a good amount of damage and puts a debuff on them that increases their physical damage taken by 50%. Try saving your defensive spells for this ability.
- Any player that stands behind Rezan, gets knocked back and takes physical damage. Just don’t stand behind Rezan.
Heroic and Mythic only:
Ancient Dry Bones
- Rezan can now spawn Reanimated Raptors when he walks over bone piles. So keep an eye on where you tank him.
The most important thing during Rezan’s fight, is positioning. Don’t summon adds if you can help it and try not to get feared.
Yazma is the final boss of Atal’Dazar. To reach her, you must go up a few stairs and avoid the spiders that are running down them. You can do this on a mount, so it’s not that difficult.
Yazma uses the following abilities:
- Yazma will cast this ability on a tank, with a 1,5 second cast time. It deals a very large amount of damage to the tank, so the tank should use any mitigation they have. Healers must also pay attention here, as the spell has a 2 second cooldown.
Wracking Pain
- Yazma will cast this on a random player, dealing a lot of shadow damage and applying a dot that deals damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds. This ability can be interrupted and should be. If a player does end up getting this dot, it can be removed by cures.
Echoes of Shadra
- Spiders will move throughout the boss area and if a player touches them, they explode, dealing a lot of damage to everyone within 3 yards. After exploding, they leave behind a pool of Shadowy Remains, which deals a lot of shadow damage every 2 seconds and slows them for 30%. Sometimes, these spiders get empowered and will chase a player down. Players must avoid all spiders.
- Yazma will cast this when she has 100 energy. She will deal damage to a random player and after 5 seconds, a Soulspawn will spawn on top of that player. The Soulspawn will move towards Yazma and must be killed before they reach her. If one does reach her, it will explode and it leaves everyone with Soulfeast, a dot that deals a lot of shadow damage every 1,5 seconds for 21 seconds. When you get targeted by Soulrend, move away from the boss.
Heroic and Mythic only:
- Yazma will now cast Soulrend on all players.
Mythic only:
- Every player affected by Soulrend will get the debuff Soul Link. Each player is linked to their own Soulspawn and will take a small percentage over the damage dealt to their Soulspawn as well. The damage isn’t too high, but the healer will have to keep an eye out during this part of the fight.
Yazma’s fight isn’t too difficult, as long as you move away from Yazma when you're targeted by Soulrend, focus the Soulspawns that spawn and avoid the spiders.
The following achievements can be earned in Atal’Dazar. I’ll go into detail on how to earn them so that you can be prepared, if you want to. Click on the spoiler to see the explanation for the more difficult achievements! Please take note that the ‘special’ achievements are only for Mythic difficulty!
- Defeat Yazma in Atal’Dazar.
Heroic: Atal’Dazar
- Defeat Yazma in Atal’Dazar on Heroic difficulty.
Mythic: Atal’Dazar
- Defeat Yazma in Atal’Dazaron Mythic difficulty.
Bringing Hexy Back
- Defeat all four bosses with at least one party member under the effects of Unstable Hex in Atal’Dazar on Mythic difficulty. (Priestess Alun’za, Vol’kaal, Rezan and Yazma)
So, for this achievement, you will need the
Zanchuli Witch-Doctor
’s Hex. The fact that it can spread, will help you. Assign 2 players for ‘Hex Duty’, these 2 players will stay near each other and the Hex will bounce between them. For each boss, you pull 1 of these Witch-Doctors towards the boss to grab the Hex for that encounter. These Witch-Doctors are mostly found on the right side of the dungeon, the shortest way from the entrance to Vol’kaal. So I suggest clearing your way to Priestess, then, at least the tank, run back to where you can find the Witch-Doctors and pull one over to the Priestess. Try to do this for every boss. The Hex cannot run out before the boss fight is over, so the 2 players on Hex Duty are responsible for staying next to each other. Being in a voice call might help so you can coordinate where you go and such. Also beware at Rezan when you have to break line of sight. I suggest forming a complete plan before going for this achievement.Like, where to talk each boss, mostly Rezan, and what the plan for the players on Hex Duty is.
Gold Fever
- Defeat Priestess Alun’za after defeating the Fatal Corruption in Atal’Dazar on Mythic difficulty.
This fight is gonna take a while. In order for a Fatal Corruption to spawn, a Spirit of Gold will have to soak up 8 pools of Tainted Blood. So, when Priestess Alun’za spawns the first Spirit, you cannot kill it. And, in order to let the Spirit soak the blood, most of the players will not soak the Tainted Blood pools to stop the Priestess from healing herself. Since she will be healing for a lot since you cannot soak anything, doing damage isn’t very useful until the Spirit transformed into the Fatal Corruption, you might want to save your mana. Once the Spirit transforms, you can just focus it down and then kill the Priestess like the method mentioned earlier in this guide.
It’s Lit!
- Defeat Yazma while all four Shadowflame Sconces are lit in Atal’Dazar on Mythic difficulty.
This one is easy. As I mentioned before, all players except the tank will be targeted by Soulrend when Yazma reaches 100 energy. When this happens, all of those players must stand near one of the braziers, which are located in the back corners and besides the stairs. The tank will stand in the middle to give the dps enough time to kill all of the Soulspawns. When Soulrend ends, the braziers with a player next to it will be lit. These braziers will stay lit until the fight ends, so if you don’t get them all in 1 try, that’s fine. Other than the positioning, the fight will be the same.
Well, this is the end of the guide! Hopefully, this helped you in some way! Good luck and have fun in Battle for Azeroth, everyone!
Last edited by
on 10-12-2020, 23:24:57; edited 5 times in total
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