
[EN] Death Knight Frost PvE Guide

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Post Posted: 18-05-2013, 13:04:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


1. Cataclysm DK Changes
2. Stat caps
3. Stat priorities
4. Talent Build
5. Glyphs
6. Rotation
7. Consumables
8. Professions
9. Enchanting
10. Geming
11. BiS & Starting Gear

Cataclysm Changes

These are the changes brought to Frost DK's.


Blood of the North (passive) now permanently converts both Blood Runes into Death Runes. There is no longer any proc interaction with Blood Strike required to activate Death Runes.
Frost Strike now deals 130% of weapon damage, up from 110%.
Howling Blast damage has been increased by 20%. To compensate, the area-of-effect splash now does 50% of the single-target damage, down from 60%. The net result of this change leaves the area-of-effect damage roughly the same as 4.0.6 numbers. In addition, Howling Blast now has a facing requirement.


Obliterate base damage has been reduced to 150% weapon damage, down from 160%.
Hungering Cold now has a 1.5-second cast time.
Might of the Frozen Wastes now increases two-handed weapon damage by 3/7/10%, down from 4/8/12%.
The talent Killing Machine can now properly be triggered from off-hand attacks as well as main-hand attacks.


Nothing for Frost.

Stat Caps

Expertise cap: 26(781); If you are a human and you are using a sword or mace / orc and you use an axe / dwarf and you use a mace > you will need 23(691).
1 Expertise = 30 Expertise Rating

Hit Cap: 8% (960) so you don't miss your attacks on bosses (88 Level). If you are a draenei, then you will only need 7% (840), thanks to the racial.
1% Hit = 120 Hit rating

Stat priorities

The DK will have 2 builds : Masterfrost and Haste Frost. As you may have realized, Masterfrost is based on mastery, while Haste Frost is based on haste.


Strength > Hit to cap(8%) >Expertise to cap(26) > Mastery> Haste > Critical Strike rating > Agility

Haste Frost

Strength > Hit to cap(8%) >Expertise to cap(26) > Haste > Mastery > Critical Strike rating > Agility



In-game code:
/run t,p,a={2,12,33,43,72,82,92,103,113,121,131,142,161,172,183,201,3,23,1,12,33,42,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

Haste Frost

In-game code:
/run t,p,a={2,12,33,43,72,82,92,103,113,121,131,142,161,172,183,201,3,23,32,1,12,33,}SetPreviewPrimaryTalentTree(t[1],GetActiveTalentGroup())for i=1,#t do a=t[i]if a<9 then p=a else AddPreviewTalentPoints(p,floor(a/10),a%10)end end

Note: If you think that you won't need interrupt , you can take out the points from Endless Winter and put them somewhere else.

We play using Unholy Presence


Note: Major and Minor Glyphs are not mandatory, you can choose which one you want.

Prime Gyphs:
Glyph of Obliterate - increases the damage of Obliterate by 20%
Glyph of Frost Strike- reduces the cost of Runic Power Frost Strike by 8
Glyph of Howling Blast- Howling Blast puts Frost Fever on your target

Major Glyphs:
Glyph of Pestilence - increases the distance by 5 yards.
Glyph of Hungering Cold - Hungering Cold doesn't cost any Runic Power.
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell - increases the duration of Anti-Magic Shell by 2 seconds.

Minor Glyphs:
Glyph of Horn of Winter - Increases the duration of Horn of Winter by 1 minute.
Glyph of Blood Tap - Blood Tap doesn't cause anymore damage.
Glyph of Death's Embrace - It returns you 20 Runic Power if the spell is used to heal an ally.


The rotation of the 2 builds are almost the same, the difference is that on Masterfrost, the main spells are Frost Strike and Howling Blast . We will not use Obliterate that often anymore .

Masterfrost: You will need to keep a Death Rune activated because after using Frost Strike you will receive Frost Rune and you can attack again Howling Blast . (Runic Empowerment )

Single Target:

Oubreak > Obliterate(KM Proc) > Frost Strike(if Runic Power is capped > Howling Blast(only with Rime Proc) > Obliterate > Frost Strike > Horn of Winter

This is the "standard" rotation. You cand make a macro for a better burst:

/use Golemblood Potion
/use trinket
/cast Pillar of Frost
/cast Rise Ghoul


Oubreak > Pestilience > DnD > Spam Howling Blast > Frost Strike or Death Coil

Howling Blast only when you have Rime activated
Horn of Winter on CD
Plague Strike when the disease fades.
Pillar of Frost use it only when Unholy Strenght proc-ed and other Strength proc-s (trinket, pots, enchants etc.)
Keep diseases up (Frost Fever / Blood Plague on your target.


Flask: Flask of Titanic Strenght
Potion: Golemblood Potion
Food: Beer-Basted Crocolisk or Fortune Cookie


Alchemy: +80 Strength @ Flask of Titanic Strenght and an increased duration of all available flasks.

Blacksmithing: +2 Extra Sockets(Gloves & Bracers) > 80 Strength(2x Blood Inferno Ruby)

Enchanting: +2x Ring Enchants(+40 Strength on each Ring)

Engineering: 480 Strength for 10 seconds; 1 minute CD (Synapse Springs)

Herbalism: Lifeblood - 480 haste for 20 seconds with a 2 minute CD.

Inscription: Lionsmane Inscription - 80 extra Strength over the Therazane enchant.

Mining: 120 Stamina

Skinning: 80 Critical Strike Rating

Tailoring: Shordguard Embroidery - 1000 AP for 15 seconds with a 45 second CD.

Jewelcrafting - Bold Chimera's Eye (wowhead link) x3


Head- Arcarum of the Wildhammer(Ally) or Arcanum of the Dragonmaw (Horde)
Shoulder- Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone
Chest- Perless Stats
Back- Greater Critical Stike
Wrist- Major Strenght
Hands- Mighty Strenght
Legs- Dragonscale Leg Armor
Boots- Enchant Boots - Haste or Enchant Boots- Mastery
Weapon: Main hand: Rune of Razorice Off Hand: Rune of Fallen Crusader


Red -Bold Inferno Ruby / Bold Queen's Garnet
Blue-Etched Demonseye / Etched Shadow Spinel
Yellow- Fierce Ember Topaz / Fierce Lava Coral
Meta Gem- Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond

BiS & Starting Gear


Starting Gear

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Post Posted: 26-12-2013, 20:38:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

And what is better,., Mastery or Haste one?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-12-2013, 22:23:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I could say haste one.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-12-2014, 08:27:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

haste if you are twohand!!!!!! and mastery for dual
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Post Posted: 09-12-2014, 21:18:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dr.SteinYa wrote:
haste if you are twohand!!!!!! and mastery for dual

your answer is correct..if u play mop:D

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