
[EN] Shaman Restoration PvE Guide
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Author Message12272


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Post Posted: 14-10-2013, 11:42:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
gamer4life wrote:
soulkreep si roshkatul, eu nu am aratat cu degetul dar daca va simtiti.. oricum ma bucur pentru voi 2 ca nu dati delete la shaman pentru ca nu mai puteti sa spamati healing rain in purple.

Wasn't the video I posted enough to prove your wrong?

My friend, what can YOU see in that video? Healing rain on ground, yes, only one poodle, yes, 1stakc, maxim2 on filming player...maybe 2 healers in raid, only one shaman...From a retri pala point of view.

Are you trying to prove me that multiple healing rain cast one after another cant give you more stacks because i only see one healing rain...One at the start of purple and none from the middle to the end of purple (yes i watched all the video=> a lot of yellow numbers spams)

And about the healing area (entering and exiting the area gives stacks) => none of you did left the area. And you are trying to prove me wrong with what?! (can u cast maybe healing rain without cd or something?)

Roskatul i dont insult you or anyone from here..i just feel pity for all those who have to resort of using exploits. My pride stops me from admitting that there is an easyer way of doing things then the right way.

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Post Posted: 15-10-2013, 00:23:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

gamer4life wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:
gamer4life wrote:
soulkreep si roshkatul, eu nu am aratat cu degetul dar daca va simtiti.. oricum ma bucur pentru voi 2 ca nu dati delete la shaman pentru ca nu mai puteti sa spamati healing rain in purple.

Wasn't the video I posted enough to prove your wrong?

My friend, what can YOU see in that video? Healing rain on ground, yes, only one poodle, yes, 1stakc, maxim2 on filming player...maybe 2 healers in raid, only one shaman...From a retri pala point of view.

Are you trying to prove me that multiple healing rain cast one after another cant give you more stacks because i only see one healing rain...One at the start of purple and none from the middle to the end of purple (yes i watched all the video=> a lot of yellow numbers spams)

There were at least 2 phases with Healing Rain being cast in the middle of purple ooze. My point of the video is that the healing rain that I cast didn't give ANY stacks to the person recording, be it before or in the middle of purple ooze's phase.

Anyway, We don't take 2 resto shamans in the same raid unless it's a 25 man raid, we try to balance it out, with paladins, priest and druids.

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