
[FIXED] [Druid] [Legendary][Covenant] Locust Swarm

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Post Posted: 11-07-2022, 15:15:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

**Description of bug**
the legendary is not working at all it is not splitting into 2 swarm after the timer of the debuff (wowhead link) ends on the target

**how to reproduce**
use (wowhead link) while having the legendary equipped and wait for the timer of the debuff to expire and watch if it splits into 2 debuff or buff(if it goes on player)

**how it should be**
it has a 60% chance after the (wowhead link) debuff is over on current target to split into 2 debuff/ buff( if it goes on player) and will jump into 2 different targets (can be enemy or ally)

max amount of jumps is 3 times

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