
[FIXED] [Hunter][BeastMastey] Bestial Wrath vs Dire Frenzy

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Post Posted: 18-10-2017, 15:59:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: some abilities does not get the full damage buff from BW

Dire Frenzy damage without BW:
Dire Frenzy damage with BW:

You can see in the first printscreen the lowest hit of dire frenzy(normal) is 69.3k and the biggest one(crit) is 142.3k. In the second one normal hit is 82.7k and crit is 166.6k
Now if i add the 31% damage from BW on the hits without BW i should have 69.3k *1.31= 90.7k(normalHit) and 142.3k *1.31= 186.4k(crit) which is bigger than i actually hit with BW

Now i checked the damage of kill command:
Kill Command without BW:
Kill Command with BW:

If you take the normal hit and the crit hit from first print screen(no BW) and multiply with 1.31 you will get EXACTLY the same damage as normal hit and crit from the second print screen (with BW). So for KillCommand it works as it should. Also for Cobra shot(tested that also).

I made some tests with pets melee attacks also and they seem to be doing less damage that it should when affected by BW, so, since cobra shot and CK do as it should but DireFrenzy and PetMeleeHits doesn't, i would say that the pets are the problem here. They seem not to get affected by all of the 31% increase.

This can be easily tested by doing an attack without BW then multiply the damage with 1.31 and compare the result with the same attack done with BW.

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Post Posted: 18-10-2017, 16:34:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Renamed your topic. Please create a separate topic for each spell if you find anything else.

Update @ 18-10-2017, 17:34:01

Also, melee attacks are fine. I do 30k without BW, I do 39k with BW. That's around 31% increase.

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Post Posted: 19-10-2017, 00:38:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ohh, my bad. All damage increase auras were handled additively, not multiplicatively, so there was a bit of damage loss. Affected all pets and stuff, fixed now -
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