
[FIXED] [Love is in the Air] Lovely Charms not dropping
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2019, 11:02:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Advices from me (always works):
- Do not be on mount, when you are starting a q. This bugs out a kit. You need then to delete a kit, dismount and take q again
- Sometimes you will be able to get charms without a quest, but in most cases you need a quest to generate charms
- Dont move a kit in your inventory and try to spawn it in first place on main backpack

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2019, 14:32:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

williamthu30 wrote:
Most of you said Lovely Charms do not drop, actually, they do. I completed the Nation of Adoration achievement in just 30 minutes and there's no need of any workarounds.

There is a murloc camp on the east of Stormheim. Exactly 79.56, 61.78 on the map. Go there and slay the murlocs. Don't kill them one by one, but kill them in large groups. Then loot them.

I can confirm these:
- The Lovely Charms DO NOT appear in the loot box when you right click the murlocs to loot
- The Lovely Charms DO NOT appear as personal loot on your screen
- The Lovely Charms goes DIRECTLY into your bag and you won't even know that they were looted
- You will know when you loot the Lovely Charms when you check your bag after killing a group of murlocs OR, they appear in the chat box as "You create: [Lovely Charm]". Image Link:
- Make sure you shift-loot them instead of normal right click loot
- Make sure you only have ONE of the 4 daily quests. If you have A Gift for the Warchief, make sure you don't have the rest of the 3 quests.

There was no need for me to delete the kit and retake the quest. I completed all 4 of these daily quest in one run. Make sure you collect plenty of these Lovely Charms before taking/turning the quest or else you're just going to waste time going back and forth collecting the Lucky Charms.

Didn't work for me. Foloowed the instructions to the letter and all I obtained was some AP, low equipment and rubbish. Not even one Lovely Charm. If you could say, how many of them did you slay together? I think I'm taking all I'm able to, but maybe there's a tip in this point too.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-02-2019, 16:14:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

at first. sorry for my bad englisch.
you get bugged ONLY after a Death or a DC (BTW A RELOG or a normal LOGOUT or /reloadui WILL BUG YOU ALSO!)
sometimes it buggs when u mount.
how i fixx it. i decline the quest from my questlog (you dont need to delete the item, normaly it disapears after you decline the quest) and accept the quest again.
this method works for me and i farmed over 5000 love Tokens in the past 3 days

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Post Posted: 16-02-2019, 16:37:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

As already mentioned DON'T accept "Gift" quest while you're mounted because it break the kit's script.

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Post Posted: 16-02-2019, 19:35:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you die, the hidden aura that the kit applies on you gets cancelled, therefore no charm will drop for you anymore, unless you re-take the quest.
(if somebody could confirm that, would help)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-02-2019, 08:45:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pablo-Man wrote:
williamthu30 wrote:
Most of you said Lovely Charms do not drop, actually, they do. I completed the Nation of Adoration achievement in just 30 minutes and there's no need of any workarounds.

There is a murloc camp on the east of Stormheim. Exactly 79.56, 61.78 on the map. Go there and slay the murlocs. Don't kill them one by one, but kill them in large groups. Then loot them.

I can confirm these:
- The Lovely Charms DO NOT appear in the loot box when you right click the murlocs to loot
- The Lovely Charms DO NOT appear as personal loot on your screen
- The Lovely Charms goes DIRECTLY into your bag and you won't even know that they were looted
- You will know when you loot the Lovely Charms when you check your bag after killing a group of murlocs OR, they appear in the chat box as "You create: [Lovely Charm]". Image Link:
- Make sure you shift-loot them instead of normal right click loot
- Make sure you only have ONE of the 4 daily quests. If you have A Gift for the Warchief, make sure you don't have the rest of the 3 quests.

There was no need for me to delete the kit and retake the quest. I completed all 4 of these daily quest in one run. Make sure you collect plenty of these Lovely Charms before taking/turning the quest or else you're just going to waste time going back and forth collecting the Lucky Charms.

Didn't work for me. Foloowed the instructions to the letter and all I obtained was some AP, low equipment and rubbish. Not even one Lovely Charm. If you could say, how many of them did you slay together? I think I'm taking all I'm able to, but maybe there's a tip in this point too.

3-5 Every group kills.

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      Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  sheLbyPOL 
Post Posted: 17-02-2019, 12:45:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Fixed - you have 34% chance to get Lovely Charm when you kill mobs that would give you XP reward (so not working for low level mobs)
Requirement - in your bag.
Live after rr

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