
[FIXED] [Mage] [Frost] Splitting Ice vs Amps

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Post Posted: 08-08-2022, 13:00:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The logic of the spell []( (wowhead link) "smartCard-inline") is currently incorrect.

What is happening right now is =>

if we Ice lance a target with damage increase debuff, the 2nd lance (the one going to the off target) would get amplified even if the off target doesn’t have damage taken increase debuff on it. Perfect example for that would be Huntsman Altimor.

Here is the log from retail => []( "‌") , We can see that Shade (main target with damage taken increase debuff) gets hit for 36602 but Huntsman Altimor (off-target with no dmg taken increase debuff) gets hit for a much lower amount, because it doesn’t benefit from the main target lance.

Here is the example of what happens on our PTR => []( "‌") , We can see main target with dmg taken increase debuff takes 4498 and off target with no damage taken increase debuff takes 2923. So what happens is that it first gets amplified by that debuff and then splitting ice mod kicks in, thus 4498 x 0.65 = 2923

Now here is the second part of the spell that’s not working as intended.

It’s pretty much the opposite, if we hit main target with no damage taken increase debuff, the splitting ice towards the off target that has damage taken increase debuf won’t benefit from it, however, in the retail log it does.

Retail log => []( "‌")

PTR example => []( "‌") (the off target dummy had 2000% damage taken increased, therefore the ice lance from splitting ice should have benefited from it, according to the retail log linked above.

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