
[FIXED] [Misc][9.1] Shards of Domination PvP Mod

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Post Posted: 09-08-2022, 18:30:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Each individual Shard of Domination effect should be reduced by 50% in PvP combat. []( "‌")

# SpellID

ShardOfBekSpell = 355721,
OminousShardOfBekSpell = 357031,
DesolateShardOfBekSpell = 357049,
ForebodingShardOfBekSpell = 357058,
PortentousShardOfBekSpell = 357069,

ShardOfJasSpell = 355731,
OminousShardOfJasSpell = 357032,
DesolateShardOfJasSpell = 357050,
ForebodingShardOfJasSpell = 357060,
PortentousShardOfJasSpell = 357071,

ShardOfRevSpell = 355739,
OminousShardOfRevSpell = 357033,
DesolateShardOfRevSpell = 357051,
ForebodingShardOfRevSpell = 357061,
PortentousShardOfRevSpell = 357072,

ShardOfCorSpell = 355741,
OminousShardOfCorSpell = 357034,
DesolateShardOfCorSpell = 357052,
ForebodingShardOfCorSpell = 357062,
PortentousShardOfCorSpell = 357073,

ShardOfKyrSpell = 355743,
OminousShardOfKyrSpell = 357035,
DesolateShardOfKyrSpell = 357053,
ForebodingShardOfKyrSpell = 357063,
PortentousShardOfKyrSpell = 357074,

ShardOfTelSpell = 355748,
OminousShardOfTelSpell = 357036,
DesolateShardOfTelSpell = 357054,
ForebodingShardOfTelSpell = 357064,
PortentousShardOfTelSpell = 357075


# ItemID

ShardOfZed = 187079,
DesolateShardOfZed = 187301,
ForebodingShardOfZed = 187310,
OminousShardOfZed = 187292,
PortentousShardOfZed = 187320,

ShardOfOth = 187076,
DesolateShardOfOth = 187300,
ForebodingShardOfOth = 187309,
OminousShardOfOth = 187291,
PortentousShardOfOth = 187319,

ShardOfDyz = 187073,
DesolateShardOfDyz = 187299,
ForebodingShardOfDyz = 187308,
OminousShardOfDyz = 187290,
PortentousShardOfDyz = 187318,

ShardOfBek = 187057,
DesolateShardOfBek = 187293,
ForebodingShardOfBek = 187302,
OminousShardOfBek = 187284,
PortentousShardOfBek = 187312,

ShardOfJas = 187059,
DesolateShardOfJas = 187294,
ForebodingShardOfJas = 187303,
OminousShardOfJas = 187285,
PortentousShardOfJas = 187313,

ShardOfRev = 187061,
DesolateShardOfRev = 187295,
ForebodingShardOfRev = 187304,
OminousShardOfRev = 187286,
PortentousShardOfRev = 187314,

ShardOfCor = 187063,
DesolateShardOfCor = 187296,
ForebodingShardOfCor = 187305,
OminousShardOfCor = 187287,
PortentousShardOfCor = 187315,

ShardOfKyr = 187065,
DesolateShardOfKyr = 187297,
ForebodingShardOfKyr = 187306,
OminousShardOfKyr = 187288,
PortentousShardOfKyr = 187316,

ShardOfTel = 187071,
DesolateShardOfTel = 187298,
ForebodingShardOfTel = 187307,
OminousShardOfTel = 187289,
PortentousShardOfTel = 187317

[]( "‌")

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