
[FIXED] [Queen Azshara] Arcane Detonation

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Post Posted: 19-07-2021, 10:15:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

**Zone:** The Eternal Palace
**NPC:** [Queen Azshara](
**Spell:** [Arcane Detonation](


##Currently there is a misalignment with the energy generation and the timer of the spell [Arcane Detonation]( according to Boss Mods/Logs##


As seen in the videos and retail logs Queen Azshara gains energy progressively eventually reaching 100% and casting [Arcane Detonation]( For the energy to become 100% it's needed around a minute.

Right now for the energy to reach 100% the boss needs around a minute and ten seconds. Which leads to the misalignment with the boss mod AddOn.


- On this [image from PTR log]( it can be seen that [Queen Azshara]( begins gaining energy at 2:19 and reaches 100% energy at [3:29]( Shortly after she [begins casting]( [Arcane Detonation](

- [Video](


- In [this]( log it can be seen that [Queen Azshara]( begins gaining energy at 2:20 and reaches 100% energy at 3:23. Shortly after at 3:24 she begins casting [Arcane Detonation](

- In [another]( log it can be seen that [Queen Azshara]( begins gaining energy at 2:07 and reaches 100% energy at 3:10. Shortly after at 3:11 she begins casting [Arcane Detonation](

- [Video PoV](


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