
[FIXED] [Trait] Frostwhelp's Indignation

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(since 03-05-2021 16:06)
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Post Posted: 20-04-2021, 13:15:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

***THE ISSUE ***

If a Frost DK casts "Pillar of Frost" ID - 51271 and they are using "Frostwhelp's Indignation" ID - 287320 Azerite trait it will make player permanently stuck in combat until the adds have been killed.

* This can cause a lot of issues where for example mobs can be triggered to be in Combat and receive Bolstering due to lack of distance in X-axis, but being close in Y-axis.


***Reproduction - ***

* Get in combat with any npc nearby the location that you would want get combat stuck with, Aim your "Pillar of Frost" towards the npcs, and use it. After the npc that you had already been in combat with is gonna die, you will continously stay in combat.

***Note -*** This issue is mostly persistent within Bolstering weeks within Mythic plus. Good example would be Tol Dagor, because there are npcs that are RP attacking each other. Therefore they are receiving all of the bolstering stacks that you would make until you have reached the npcs.

***Note 2 -*** This bug affects healers in this scenario, due to healers doing aoe healing and getting threat from Frost DK's.


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[Caster Throught Different Y-axis](


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