
[FIXED] [Trinket] Pocket-Sized Computation Device

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Post Posted: 09-09-2021, 12:36:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

**Item:** [Pocket-Sized Computation Device](


There is a difference between the tooltip of the trinket and the punchcards.
The reason of that being is that the trinket's tooltip calculates the average item level of both the red and yellow punchcard. Which is correct. However the stats from the punchcards and effects don't take this into an account resulting in punchcards of 404 item level giving the same stats/bonus damage of 415 punchcard.

As said in [this page]( :

"The Pocket-Sized Computation Device averages the item levels of its internal punch cards. If the individual item levels of the punch cards differ, the item levels of the cards and their statistics will average out. This has the effect of potentially giving your character lower stats when the item is socketed and equipped than the original punchcard state. As you replace your lower punch cards with higher punch cards, the statistics of the cards you have will also reflect that when the items are equipped."

As well in the WoWHead [comments]( of the item:

"Item level of the trinket is the average of the red and yellow punchcard (not blue). Item level of the overall trinket is what determines the power of the red and yellow effects."

Video from PTR for better understanding:
Image of 404 punchcard giving stats of 415:

Trello Card Link :

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