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(since 16-08-2022 19:40)
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Post Posted: 22-04-2018, 20:18:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Dupa 2 saptamani de munca intensa si nervi, intr-un final am reusit sa rezolvam toate erorile si bugurile care va afectau jocul. Putem zice ca serverul in sfarsit este in varianta 1.0. Mai jos va voi lasa toate update-urile care au fost aduse de la inceputul mentenantei pana in momentul de fata .

In primele 6 zile: [Acesta l-am postat si in topicul destinat noilor implementari]

- Problema la furieni cand iti disparea cutitul la inceputul rundei. Acum va aparea un meniu de knife cu 3 cutite diferite.
- Eroarea intitulata "Reliable channel overflowed" a fost remediata.
- Am adaugat meniu de cutite si la anti-furieni.
- Adaugate inca 2 arme in meniul de arme
- Acum, pentru a creste in nivel va trebuie minim 3000 xp. De ce l-am pus atat de mult? Deoarece majoritatea facusera deja level 8-9 intr-o zi. Inainte aveai nevoie de minim 1000 xp, daca inainte detineai level 9, acum ai level 3.
- A fost adaugat un nou item in shop, acela fiind LASERMINE . Probabil o sa vi se para ciudata ideea de laser la gameplay-ul furien dar nu este asa. Acesta are 2 moduri de a fi plantat: primul "laser" iar al doilea "mine"

In celelalte zile:

Lasermine-ul a fost scos de la furieni deoarece se dadea cap in cap cu bomba. ( Oricum doar vipii au acces la acestea dar am preferat sa evitam pe cat de mult posibil bugurile care s-ar fi putut crea )
La shopul furienilor s-au adaugat niste gandaci pentru vipi. Acestia, dupa ce sunt aruncati se duc la jucatorii din echipa adversa care se afla in preajma incercand sa le "devoreze" toata carnea de pe ei.
Meniul de weapons a fost rescris.
Toate armele care aveau un "impact negativ" asupra jucatorilor (overflow) au fost scoase iar cele pe care le-am lasat,au fost rearanjate si mutate la alte levele.
Acum furienii pot obtine cutite in functie de level. In total sunt 3, dual katana de lvl 0, ruyi stick de level 5 si dragon claws de 10.Bineinteles, sa nu uitam de donatori. Acestia dispun si de niste pumni cu abilitate speciala pe click dreapta (Barlog9 mai exact) Se vor adauga mai multe + vor fi reordonate pe parcurs.
Am implementat wallhangul ( catararea pe pereti ). Sper sa nu mai apara bugul acela care te facea vizibil.

Acum suntem in stadiul final al mentenantei. Mai avem de modificat viteza,gravitatia, luminozitatea serverului si dmg-ul armelor. Speram ca maine sau poimaine sa scoatem parola.
Multumim celor ce ne-au dat pm-uri intrebandu-ne cand vor putea juca. Asta arata ca multora inca va pasa de server si doriti sa va jucati.

Va uram o sedere cat mai placuta la noi!

~ Cu stima si respect echipa FURIEN.FREAKZ.RO ~


After 2 weeks of intense work and nerves, we finally managed to solve all the bugs and gliches that would affect the game. We can say that the server is finally in version 1.0. Below I will leave all the updates that have been brought from the beginning of the maintenance up to now.

In the first 6 days: [I posted it in the topic for new implementations]

- The fury problem when you knock your knife at the beginning of the round. Now a knife menu with 3 different knives will appear.
- The error called "Reliable channel overflowed" has been fixed.
- I added knife menu to anti-furie.
- Added two more weapons in the weapons menu
- Now, to increase the level you need at least 3000 xp. Why did I put it so long? Because most had already done level 8-9 one day. Before you needed at least 1000 xp, if you previously had level 9, you now have level 3.
- Added a new item in the shop, which is LASERMINE. You probably think the idea of ​​a furious gameplay seems odd but it's not like that. It has two ways to be planted: the first "laser" and the second "mine"

In the other days:

The lasermine was pulled from the fury because it was blowing head on its head. (Anyway, only vipers have access to these but we preferred to avoid as much as possible the bugs that could have been created)
At the shop of the furie there were some cockroaches for the vipi. After they are thrown, they go to the players in the opposing team who are around trying to "devour" all the meat from them.
The weapon menu has been rewritten.
All weapons that had a "negative impact" on the players (overflow) were removed and the ones that we left were rearranged and moved to other levels.
Now furies can get knives according to the level. In total there are 3, dual katana by lvl 0, ruyi stick of level 5 and dragon claws of 10. Of course, do not forget the donors. They also have special punches with a right click (Barlog9 more precisely). They will add more + will be reordered along the way.
I implemented the wallhang (climbing on the walls). I hope you do not defend that bug that made you visible.

We are now in the final state of maintenance. We still have to change the speed, gravity, server brightness and weapon dmg. We hope tomorrow or tomorrow to get the password.
Thanks to those who gave us pms asking us when they will be able to play. This shows that many still care about the server and want to play.
We wish you a pleasant stay with us!

~ With all the respect, the team FURIEN.FREAKZ.RO ~

Last edited by **^Scorpion^** on 24-04-2018, 14:01:00; edited 4 times in total
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Status: Offline
(since 16-08-2022 19:40)
Joined: 26 Aug 2015
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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 16:31:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Maine, 25.04.2018 la ora 14:00, vom scoate parola de pe server si veti putea intra linistiti. Astazi, 24.04.2018 am rezolvat tot ce mai aveam de pus la punct( Dmg ul anumitor arme/cutite crescut iar al altora scazut; o mica reordonare a lor in meniu, modificate viteza si gravitatia furienilor; skinuri schimbate; traducerea serverului in engleza deoarece de acum acesta este international, mai pe scurt nu ne vom baza doar pe jucatorii romani ci si pe straini chiar daca acestia vor avea pingul mai mare ca al nostru; schimbarea numarului
de xp necesar upgrade-ului la urmatorul nivel. De la 3000 la 4000. In momentul de fata se lucreaza la modificarea sistemului . Mai multe detalii va voi da inaintea implementarii update-ului)
O data cu aceasta mentenanta, am decis sa fim mai stricti cu adminii. Cine nu indeplineste minimul de cerinte, va fi respins fara vreo avertizare prealabila.
Va dorim un joc cat mai placut tuturor!


Tomorrow, April 25, 2018 at 2:00 pm, we will remove the password from the server and you will be able to enter quietly. Today, April 24, 2018 we solved everything we had to set up (Dmg of certain weapons / knives increased and others decreased, a small reordering of them in the menu, changed the speed and gravity of furien, changed skins, translation of the server in English because from now on it is international, in short we will not only rely on Romanian players but also on foreigners even if they will have the bigger ping than ours;
of xp required to upgrade to the next level. From 3000 to 4000. At this time, it is working to modify the system. I will give you more details before implementing the update)
With this maintenance, we decided to be more strict with the administrators. Anyone who does not meet the minimum requirement will be rejected without any prior warning.
We want a game that's all about everyone!

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