
Farm event

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 03-05-2012 12:21)
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Post Posted: 21-04-2011, 21:41:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

De ceva timp tot aman acest event dar se pare ca acum ar fi momentul perfect mai ales pt new commers care au ocazia sa mai adune ceva dkp si nu numai ei.
In ce consta acest event? Simplu, o sa trimiti un mail catre char-ul Cheryl cu titlu "Pentru Event" care trebuie sa contina unu sau mai multe trade items mentionate mai jos:

-1x stack Flask of Stoneblood 15 dkp
-1x stack Flask of Wyrm 15 dkp
-1x stack Flask of Endless Rage 15 dkp
-1x stack Flask of Pure Mojo 15 dkp

-1x Primordial Saronite 10 dkp (10/pers)
-5x Crusader Orb 10 dkp (10/pers)
-1x stack Frozen Orb 20 dkp (1/pers)

-1x stack Cardinal Ruby 10 dkp
-1x stack Earthsiege Diamond 10 dkp
-1x stack Skyflare Diamond 10 dkp

-1x stack Potion of Speed 20 dkp
-1x stack Potion of Wild Magic (wowhead link) 20 dkp
-5x Tailoring/Lw kits 20dkp (25/pers)

-1x Blood Queen's Crimson Choker 40 dkp
-1x Carapace of Forgotten Kings 40 dkp
-1x Ikfirus' Sack of Wonder 40 dkp
-1x Marrowgar's Frigid Eye 40 dkp
-1x Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates 40 dkp
-1x The Lady's Brittle Bracers 40 dkp
-1x orice item crafted cu i.level 264 20-50 dkp

ATENTIE ! Un player nu poate obtine mai mult de 300 dkp in urma acestui event, puteti trimite mai multe dar nu se vor lua in calcul.

Eventul se va incheia pe data de 29 aprilie(undeva pe la pranz)

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