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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-10-2011, 22:44:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Event de farmat mats pentru guilda, incepe azi(marti) 11.10.2011, ora 00:00 si se va termina pe data de 18.10.2011 ora 00:00.

Munca voastra va fi rasplatit cu dkp-uri in functie de ce materiale si in ce cantitati aduceti.Se vor accepta urmatoarele:

-din tailoring: enchanturi (lvl 85),dreamcloth, iteme epice(lvl 85), bolt of embersilk cloth
-din mining: elementium ore, pyrite ore.
-din herbalism: flori de pe versiunea cataclysm.
-din inscription: Scroluri de lvl IX.
-din blacksmithing: ebonsteel belt buckle, iteme epice(lvl 85).
-din alchemy: flask-uri cataclysm, potiuni, elixire, meta sokete.
-din engineering: -
-din jewelcrafting: mats pentru sokete din cataclysm.
-din enchanting: Maelstrom Crystal.
-din leatherworking: drums-uri, enchanturi.
-din skinning: savage leather.
-din Fishing: pesti de pe versiunea cataclysm.
-din cooking: toate tipurile de mancare cataclysm.
+ Volatile Water,Volatile,Fire,Volatile Air,Volatile Earth.
+ iteme epice lvl 85 din trash mobs sau world drop.

Spor la farmat!

Cei ce participa imi vor trimite mail cu materialele pe care apoi le voi depune in Guild Vault pe charul Zygo.Dak trimiteti altora nu e problema mea si nu ma intereseaza.
*In caz ca vreti sa trimiteti si : sau nu mai trimiteti pe Char Zigo ci pe Troldoi ...Pt ca pe Zigo le am deja Equipped si nu le pot primii.

Last edited by zygo on 12-10-2011, 22:08:10; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-12-2011 13:56)
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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 03:05:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Oricum anunt de pe acum:cantitatile trebuie sa fie destuld e mari.Premiile le voi da eu in ziua respectiva in functie de ce ati trimis.
Spor la farmat

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 15:34:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Am si eu o intrebare: Ofiterii,Raid Leaderii si Class Leaderii au dreptul sa participe? Bineinteles in afara de Zigo ? -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 17:29:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ofc .Toti in afara de zygo.Probabil ca eu nu voi participa pe motiv de....sila de farming:)))
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-10-2011, 17:32:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lasa mai bine sa nu participi u....stim noi mai bine dc -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-10-2011, 03:58:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Prima Banca e aproape plina -- si debi a trecut o zi.....chear sunt curios cate banci o sa fim nevoiti sa facem -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-10-2011, 18:38:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Va rugam frumos sa nu mai trimiteti .....din Tailoring se primeste doar :
- Enchanturi create cu ajutorul :

- Iteme create cu ajutorul :

Asa si din Jewelcrafting va rog sa nu mai trimiteti sokete irect facute trimiteti doar :

Last edited by BetivNotoriu on 15-10-2011, 20:40:25; edited 2 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-10-2011, 12:32:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A 2-a banca aproape plina:))
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-10-2011, 19:10:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ia uitati ce se afla in Prima banca -
---> [img][/img]g

Poate mai pe seara o sa pun si cu banca 2 -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 00:45:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

banca 2
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 29-11-2011 17:22)
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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 11:55:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cam saracuts cu enchanting mats! donez un guild bank plin cu dastea dak doriti? cat mai dureaza event?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2011, 15:47:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Theradrim wrote:
Cam saracuts cu enchanting mats! donez un guild bank plin cu dastea dak doriti? cat mai dureaza event?

Pai faza e ca nu ne intereseaza din Enchanting mats doar : .....cei care au trimis celelalte mats nu au fost atenti la cerinte.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-10-2011, 23:05:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Stop Event!

Multumim pt participare, in maxim 2 zile o sa apara s lista cu Dkp-uri!

- 3180x [Embersilk Cloth]
- 5232x [Elementium Ore]
- 19x [Ebonsteel Belt Buckle]
- 40x [Elementium Bar]
- 1286x [Volatile Fire]
- 1501x [Volatile Water]
- 1089x [Volatile Earth]
- 600x [Volatile Air]
- 260x [Pyrite Ore]
- 60x [Fathom Eel]
- 20x [Murglesnout]
- 1x [Dory's Finery]
- 40x [Beer-Basted Crocolisk]
- 40x [Skewered Eel]
- 6x [Mythical Healing Potion]
- 13x [Mythical Mana Potion]
- 16x [Flask of Flowing Water]
- 2x [Truegold]
- 20x [Deepsea Sagefish]
- 120x [Shadowspirit Diamond]
- 45x [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- 8x [Flask of the Winds]
- 24x [Flask of the Draconic Mind]
- 10x [Flask of Steelskin]
- 80x [Scroll of Spirit IX]
- 100x [Scroll of Intellect IX]
- 100x [Scroll of Strength IX]
- 80x [Scroll of Agility IX]
- 1x [Treads of Savage Beatings]

- 100x [Flask of Flowing Water]
- 5x [Mighty Rejuvenation Potion]
- 73x [Flask of Steelskin]
- 52x [Flask of the Winds]
- 32x [Flask of the Draconic Mind]
- 13x [Mythical Healing Potion]
- 60x [Elixir of Impossible Accuracy]
- 8x [Elixir of Mighty Speed]
- 1x [Blockade's Lost Shield]
- 6x [Reverberating Shadowspirit Diamond]
- 496x [Shadowspirit Diamond]
- 519x [Volatile Earth]
- 562x [Volatile Fire]
- 241x [Volatile Air]
- 152x [Volatile Life]
- 80x [Heartblossom]
- 668x [Embersilk Cloth]
- 10x [Elixir of the Master]
- 122x [Elixir of the Cobra]
- 284x [Volatile Water]
- 91x [Ghost Elixir]
- 1x [Corefire Legplates]
- 1x [Arrowsinger Legguards]
- 20x [Cinderbloom]
- 40x [Scroll of Spirit IX]
- 100x [Scroll of Intellect IX]
- 370x [Elementium Ore]
- 13x [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- 1x [Ember Topaz]
- 1x [Powerful Enchanted Spellthread]
- 1x [Gilnean Ring of Ruination]
- 6x [Powerful Ghostly Spellthread]
- 1x [Kilt of Trollish Dreams]
- 1x [Woundsplicer Handwraps]
- 11x [Truegold]
- 45x [Mythical Mana Potion]
- 189x [Fathom Eel]
- 36x [Murglesnout]
- 34x [Algaefin Rockfish]
- 28x [Deepsea Sagefish]
- 20x [Maelstrom Crystal]
- 20x [Elixir of the Naga]
- 43x [Golemblood Potion]
- 20x [Inferno Ruby]
- 1x [Amberjewel]

- 60x [Scroll of Strength IX]
- 60x [Scroll of Stamina IX]
- 40x [Scroll of Agility IX]
- 260x [Heartblossom]
- 360x [Embersilk Cloth]
- 600x [Volatile Life]
- 200x [Blackfallow Ink]
- 1x [Grips of the Failed Immortal]
- 1x [Zom's Electrostatic Cloak]
- 1x [Earthquake Deck]
- 20x [Beer-Basted Crocolisk]
- 40x [Heavenly Shard]

- 2x [Heartbound Tome]
- 100x [Elementium Bar]
- 147x [Volatile Earth]
- 158x [Volatile Fire]
- 157x [Volatile Water]
- 138x [Volatile Air]
- 20x [Ebonsteel Belt Buckle]

- 396x [Skewered Eel]
- 120x [Scroll of Stamina IX]
- 120x [Scroll of Strength IX]
- 1670x [Elementium Ore]
- 87x [Volatile Earth]
- 50x [Volatile Air]
- 126x [Volatile Fire]
- 67x [Volatile Water]
- 300x [Pyrite Ore]
- 40x [Scroll of Agility IX]
- 9x [Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond]

- 980x [Scroll of Stamina IX]
- 720x [Scroll of Agility IX]
- 860x [Scroll of Strength IX]
- 580x [Runescroll of Fortitude II]
- 960x [Scroll of Protection IX]
- 940x [Scroll of Intellect IX]
- 940x [Scroll of Spirit IX]
- 160x [Potion of the Tol'vir]
- 195x [Elixir of the Master]
- 80x [Elixir of Mighty Speed]
- 80x [Volcanic Potion]
- 40x [Golemblood Potion]
- 200x [Murglesnout]
- 720x [Skewered Eel]
- 60x [Baked Rockfish]
- 100x [Severed Sagefish Head]
- 1175x [Volatile Air]
- 1600x [Volatile Water]
- 400x [Volatile Fire]
- 198x [Heavy Savage Leather]
- 1600x [Volatile Earth]

- 200x [Volatile Earth]
- 400x [Volatile Air]
- 800x [Volatile Water]
- 1000x [Volatile Fire]
- 20x [Ebonsteel Belt Buckle]
- 27x [Basilisk Liverdog]
- 38x [Grilled Dragon]
- 10x [Crocolisk Au Gratin]
- 20x [Hearty Seafood Soup]
- 40x [Salted Eye]
- 20x [Whitecrest Gumbo]
- 20x [Tender Baked Turtle]
- 7x [Seasoned Crab] 1 stak

- 100x [Ebonsteel Belt Buckle]
- 140x [Azshara's Veil]
- 5x [Potent Ember Topaz]
- 2x [Deadly Ember Topaz]
- 5x [Bold Inferno Ruby]
- 16x [Beer-Basted Crocolisk]
- 80x [Flask of Steelskin]
- 80x [Flask of Flowing Water]
- 80x [Flask of the Winds]
- 80x [Flask of the Draconic Mind]
- 80x [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- 40x [Heartblossom]
- 4x [Sovereign Demonseye]
- 5x [Inscribed Ember Topaz]
- 3x [Deadly Ember Topaz]
- 280x [Scroll of Agility IX]
- 280x [Scroll of Strength IX]
- 280x [Scroll of Stamina IX]
- 280x [Scroll of Protection IX]
- 260x [Scroll of Intellect IX]
- 100x [Runescroll of Fortitude II]
- 100x [Cinderbloom]
- 18x [Shadowspirit Diamond]
- 3x [Belt of the Depths]
- 150x [Scroll of Spirit IX]
- 200x [Volatile Earth]
- 400x [Volatile Earth]
- 1000x [Volatile Life]
- 60x [Bolt of Embersilk Cloth]
- 200x [Runescroll of Fortitude II]
- 1x [Zom's Electrostatic Cloak]
- 1x [Drape of Inimitable Fate]
- 1x [Je'Tze's Sparkling Tiara]
- 80x [Scroll of Spirit IX]

- 54x [Seasoned Crab]
- 74x [Prismatic Elixir]
- 100x [Elixir of the Cobra]
- 240x [Flask of Steelskin]
- 240x [Flask of the Winds]
- 240x [Flask of Titanic Strength]

- 1x [Gilnean Ring of Ruination]
- 1320x [Skewered Eel]
- 99x [Beer-Basted Crocolisk]
- 60x [Crocolisk Au Gratin]
- 80x [Lavascale Minestrone]
- 260x [Baked Rockfish]
- 240x [Delicious Sagefish Tail]
- 60x [Whitecrest Gumbo]
- 1611x [Pyrite Ore]
- 6124x [Elementium Ore]
- 1092x [Bolt of Embersilk Cloth]
- 340x [Severed Sagefish Head]
- 2600x [Volatile Fire]
- 2600x [Volatile Water]
- 1191x [Volatile Air]
- 3400x [Volatile Earth]
- 116x [Shadowspirit Diamond]
- 1x [Phase-Twister Leggings]
- 4x [Arrowsinger Legguards]
- 4x [Woundsplicer Handwraps]
- 3x [Kilt of Trollish Dreams]
- 3x [Dorian's Lost Necklace]
- 3x [Dory's Finery]
- 3x [Zom's Electrostatic Cloak]
- 3x [Drape of Inimitable Fate]
- 1x [Crossfire Carbine]
- 3x [Don Rodrigo's Fabulous Necklace]
- 1x [Je'Tze's Sparkling Tiara]
- 2x [Grips of the Failed Immortal]
- 1x [Morrie's Waywalker Wrap]
- 1x [Dizze's Whirling Robe]
- 1x [Corefire Legplates]
- 1x [Buc-Zakai Choker]
- 18x [Powerful Ghostly Spellthread]
- 240x [Heavy Savage Leather]
- 70x [Mythical Healing Potion]
- 91x [Mythical Mana Potion]
- 88x [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- 43x [Flask of Flowing Water]
- 40x [Flask of the Winds]
- 210x [Flask of the Draconic Mind]
- 1080x [Volcanic Potion]
- 200x [Earthen Potion]
- 1348x [Golemblood Potion]
- 1174x [Potion of the Tol'vir]
- 31x [Mysterious Potion]

- 400x [Elementium Ore]
- 200x [Volatile Air]
- 232x [Volatile Fire]
- 200x [Volatile Earth]
- 200x [Volatile Water]
- 135x [Pyrite Ore]

- 40x [Heavenly Shard]
- 164x [Obsidium Ore]
- 57x [Cinderbloom]
- 260x [Hypnotic Dust]
- 49x [Elementium Ore]
- 79x [Pyrite Ore]
- 186x [Savage Leather]
- 1426x [Embersilk Cloth]
- 7x [Heavy Savage Leather]
- 180x [Greater Celestial Essence]
- 47x [Arcane Dust]
- 30x [Greater Planar Essence]
- 4x [Lesser Planar Essence]

- 1530x [Volatile Water]
- 1008x [Volatile Earth]
- 746x [Volatile Fire]
- 606x [Skewered Eel]77
- 185x [Severed Sagefish Head]
- 54x [Volatile Air]
- 103x [Baked Rockfish]
- 411x [Pyrite Ore]
- 83x [Flask of the Winds]
- 70x [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- 84x [Flask of Flowing Water]
- 70x [Flask of the Draconic Mind]
- 18x [Flask of Steelskin]
- 60x [Obsidium Bar]

- 120x [Bolt of Embersilk Cloth]
- 200x [Volatile Water]
- 235x [Volatile Fire]
- 20x [Dream Emerald]
- 12x [Ocean Sapphire]

- 70x [Shadowspirit Diamond]
- 100x [Heartblossom]
- 220x [Cinderbloom]
- 5x [Elixir of Deep Earth]
- 60x [Golemblood Potion]
- 20x [Flask of the Draconic Mind]
- 20x [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- 20x [Flask of the Winds]
- 20x [Volcanic Potion]
- 70x [Random Volatile Element]
- 200x [Volatile Water]
- 200x [Volatile Earth]
- 140x [Elementium Ore]

- 400x [Volatile Air]
- 1000x [Volatile Water]
- 1000x [Volatile Fire]
- 1200x [Volatile Earth]
- 2140x [Elementium Ore]
- 70x [Ebonsteel Belt Buckle]
- 8x [Elementium Geode]
- 1x [Don Rodrigo's Fabulous Necklace]
- 1x [Gilnean Ring of Ruination]
- 1x [Blockade's Lost Shield]
- 1x [Dorian's Lost Necklace]

- 1x [Arrowsinger Legguards]
- 1x [Kilt of Trollish Dreams]
- 1x [Blockade's Lost Shield]
- 1x [Drape of Inimitable Fate]
- 2x [Don Rodrigo's Fabulous Necklace]

- 20x [Demonseye]
- 20x [Ember Topaz]
- 20x [Inferno Ruby]
- 20x [Dream Emerald]
- 20x [Ocean Sapphire]
- 20x [Amberjewel]
- 1x [Woundsplicer Handwraps]
- 1x [Corefire Legplates]
- 1x [Ritssyn's Ruminous Drape]
- 1x [Morrie's Waywalker Wrap]
- 1x [Arrowsinger Legguards]
- 1x [Pauldrons of Edward the Odd]

- 1000x [Volatile Fire]
- 1300x [Volatile Earth]
- 600x [Volatile Water]
- 200x [Volatile Life]
- 1x [Flask of Steelskin]
- 6x [Flask of the Winds]
- 5x [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- 6x [Flask of Flowing Water]
- 2x [Grips of the Failed Immortal]

- 200x [Scroll of Stamina IX]
- 69x [Golemblood Potion]
- 220x [Scroll of Intelect IX]
- 180x [Scroll of Spirit IX]
- 100x [Volatile Life]
- 100x [Volatile Water]
- 11x [Volcanic Potion]
- 12x [Potion of the Tol'vir]
- 280x [Scroll of Agility IX]
- 180x [Scroll of Strength IX]
- 1x [Don Rodrigo's Fabulous Necklace]
- 1x [Blockade's Lost Shield]

- 5x [Elementium Geode]
- 2214x [Elementium Ore]
- 120x [Pyrite Ore]
- 20x [Pyrite Ore].
- 200x [Volatile Earth]
- 200x [Volatile Water]
- 400x [Volatile Fire]
- 40x [Shadowspirit Diamond]
- 440x [Scroll of Stamina IX]
- 8x [Hypnotic Dust]
- 4x [Greater Celestial Essence]

- 166x [Elixir of the Cobra]
- 30x [Deathblood Venom]
- 151x [Potion of the Tol'vir]
- 300x [Elixir of Mighty Speed]
- 95x [Elixir of Impossible Accuracy]
- 75x [Ghost Elixir]
- 15x [Delicious Sagefish Tail]
- 93x [Severed Sagefish Head]
- 83x [Elixir of the Master]
- 548x [Skewered Eel]
- 113x [Baked Rockfish]

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 01-12-2011 13:56)
Joined: 03 Dec 2010
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Post Posted: 19-10-2011, 00:08:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Acestea au fost date de mine in functie de cantitati si de greutatea obtinerii itemelor:




Posturi unite automat, 19-10-2011, 01:01:15

Premiile le-am dat eu in functie de criteriile mele de nu aud discutii !

Posturi unite automat, 19-10-2011, 01:08:13

AM decis sa ii dau si lui Zygo premiul maxim (50 dkp) fiindca a organizat acest event si stiu cate batai de cap a avut.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 14-06-2013 17:36)
Joined: 29 Sep 2010
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Location: Romania

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Post Posted: 19-10-2011, 00:08:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Corect -
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