
Fishing and Cooking 1-450

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Post Posted: 23-12-2011, 22:33:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is a translation of:
Fishing and Cooking are made one for another and if you do one of them without the other you will regret catch fish and cook them, works perfectly together.

To raise your Fishing and Cooking doesn’t require too much talent, in reverse it’s necessary an intense grind which means alot of casts and catches and hundreads of campfires where to cook.

Why fishing ?

Fishing and Cooking are one of the most efficient ways of making gold and your luck is that it’s easy to raise them. You can fish in Windowed Mode while navigating the internet or talking with friends on messenger. You can cook for the raid group before beating a boss, you can sell food etc. Don’t try to raise your fishing if you don’t like it, otherwise you will see it as a waste of time.

It’s important to consider the fact that these intructions are just a way of raising Fishing and you can raise it in many ways if you want, you can catch fish only in lakes from Ironforge or Orgrimmar doesn’t matter where you are fishing[/url] so try to raise it anywhere. The only benefit to follow these instructions is to catch fish in order to raise your Cooking.

Try to make Achievements while Fishing. For example you can try at low level to fish in Ironforge for Old Ironjaw or in Orgrimmar for Old Craft.

Advices for Fishing:

In order to make sure that you will catch valuable fish you will need Lures and items that gives you +fishing skill to raise your skill.

    It’s important to use Lures while following this guide. Anyway there are many places where you can’t fish without Lures.

I recommend using Lure with highest level, you can find them at Fishing Supply or Trade Vendors. To use a Lure right click on it and left click on your pole.

    Also it’s a good idea to use any item with +fishing skill while fishing. I recommend to have at least Strong Fishing Pole which is equipable after you make 10 fishing in skill and will raise it with 5+. Item can be found in multiple fishing supply vendors..

    If you never went fishing before you need to know that :When you start your skill will increase after each successfull capture but[i]as long as you raise your skill, more captures will be needed to raise the skill . At the end of this guide you will need at least 10 captures to create 1-2 points in skill.

    In order to go fishing you need to equip your pole and click spell called Fishing from Spellbook. You can take the spell into your action bar

Advices for Cooking:

Cooking is very simple and the only advice to give is to buy “Flint and Tider” from general good vendor so you will be able to make campfires. But from 3.1.0 Blizzard patch they removed this requirement! To make a camfire click on the spell Basic Campfire from spellbook.

What to do for the beginning:
    Empty your inventory:
    You will need more space in your inventory for fish, recipies, lures, spices and other items.

    Buy Supplies:
    Here is a list of items that are needed for this guide: Remember that the quantities are estimative.

    Buy recipies
    Here is a list of recipies and where you can buy them. Some recipies are sold by many vendors, but i listed the closest vendors. Make sure to check this list in order to get all the recipies that are available in one place. For example some items needs to be bought from Booty bay, make sure to buy them before leaving.

Fishing & Cooking 1-450:

Fishing 1-100 & Cooking 1-110:

    Fish: Raw Brilliant Smallfish & Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper
    Location: Crystal Lake, Elwynn Forest or Stillwhisper Pond, Eversong Woods
    Skill to achieve: 110
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 100

You will need to go to trainer and learn Journeyman Fishing and Journeyman Cook in this section of the guide (this can be done once you reach 50 Skill or you can wait till 75 skill for both professions)

Fishing 100-150 & Cooking 110-150:

    Fish: Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish
    Location: The River in Hillsbrad Foothills
    Skill to achieve: 150
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 150

You could go to Arathi Highlands and fish there if you have enough +fishing skill cuz you will fish Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish there, but without +fishing skill you will catch many trash.

Fishing 150-225 & Cooking 150-255:

    Fish: Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish and Raw Mithril Head Trout
    Location: Water Surrounding Stromgarde Keep, Arathi Highlands
    Skill to achieve: 255
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 225

Make sure that you use lure when you fish here. Wait till 225 Fishing and 225 Cooking. You may need more fish to raise till 225, and keep them.

Quest for Cooking la 225:

Important: Make this quest to get the Clamlette Magnifique recipe.

For this quest all the items required can be obtained before you get the quest so get the items first and then go to complete this quest. You will go in Tanaris for Clamlette Magnifique from Dirge Quikcleave from Gadgetzan (need level 35 and 225 skill in cooking) and delier the items. You must get 12x Giant Eggs, 10 x Zesty Clam Meat and 20 x Alterac Swiss. Before to go farming this items you must check the AH so you could buy from there.

If you are from Alliance buy Alterac Swiss from Truk Wildbeard from Aerie Peak, The Hinterlands.
If you are from Horde buy Alterac Swiss from Innkeeper Adegwa from Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands.

To fishing the quest go to The Hinterlands (same for Horde and Aliance).
Zesty Clam Meat found in Big-mouth Clams from Saltwater Snapjaws (level ~48-50).
Giant Eggs from Owlbeasts (level ~42-45).

After you got all the items go to Dirge to deliver the quest.

After you raised your skill till 300 use the fish that you kept till 255 skill. Otherwise start from Fishing to Cooking in 225.

Quest for Fishing at 225:

First of all you need to go to Dustwallow Marsh to get the qest for fishing from Nat Pagle (Theramore Isle). After you get to Nat accet Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme (you need at least level 35 and 255 fishing skil). You will need to fish 4 types of them.

    Feralas Ahi: Verdantis River center of Feralas
    Misty Reed Mahi Mahi: Misty Reed on Swamp of Sorrows
    Sar'theris Striker: cost of Desolace
    [i]Savage Coast Blue Sailfin: The Savage Coast north coast of Stranglethorn Vale, south of Grom'gol Base Camp and north

After you have finished the quest for Fishing and you got to 300 go to Darrowmere Lake to fish until 300 and cook them.

Fishing 225-300 & Cooking 255 to 295:

    [i]Fish: Raw Redgill si Raw Sunscale Salmon or Raw Nightfin Snapper
    Location: Darrowmere Lake, Western Plaguelands
    Skill to achieve: 295
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 300

Depending on the time of the day you will get Raw Sunscale Salmon or Raw Nightfin Snapper. Anything is good but Nightfin will require Refreshing Spring Water to be cooked.

Fishing 300-350 & Cooking 295-325:

    Fish: Raw Whitescale Salmon
    Location: Lake Merldar, Eastern Plaguelands
    Skill to achieve: 300
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 300

For this zone you will want the lure and it’s hard to fish. I recommend it till 300 then go to Zangarmarsh where is an easier zone to fish. Then go to E.P to fish till 350 and cook till 325.

    Fish: Zangarian Sporefish, Barbed Gil Trout, Spotted Feltail
    Location: Umbrael Lake, Zangarmarsh
    Skill to achieve: 325
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 350

In this area should be easier to fish in E.P for your skill. Wait until 325 cooking and 350 fishing.

Fishing 350-370 & Cooking 325-350:

    Fish: Barbed Gill Trout and Golden Darter
    Location: Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest or Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest
    Skill to achieve: 350
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 370

After you reach atl east 350 Fishing and 350 Cooking you can go in Northrend and train for Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord (for Horda) or Valgarde, Howling Fjord (for Alianta) or Dalaran (for Alianta si Horda). I suggest to go in Dalaran for 350 and then go to Dalaran Cooking Dailies for Dalaran Cooking Awards to get the last 2 recipies from guide. While you get to 450 only 1 (Snapper Extreme) gets green will last too much. Go to Cooking Trainer from Dalaran to get the dailies. Train for Grilled Bonescale si Pickled Fangtooth.
Fishing 370-430 & Cooking 350-425:

    Fish:Bonescale Snapper, Glacial Salmon si Fangtooth Herring
    Location: Daggercap Bay, Howling Fjord
    Skill to achieve: 425
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 430

For this section you first make Grilled Bonescale and Pickled Fangtooth. Then make Snapper Extreme from 415-425. Keep Glacial Salmon so you will use them in the nextp art of the guide.

Fishing 430-450 & Cooking 425-450:

    Fish: Nettlefish
    Location: River's Heart, Sholazar Basin
    Skill to achieve: 450
    Skill to achieve in Fishing: 450

For this section you will fish in Sholazar Basin for Nettlefish. These are found just by fishing in the zone in many pools Nettlefish. Hope you kept Glacial Salmon from the moment you need them with Northern Spices si Rhino Meat to make Small Feasts to finish cooking at 450. I like to fish in River’s Heart.

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