
Forum User guide (FAQ)

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Author Message69163

[Freakz owner]

Status: Offline
(since 08-02-2020 12:17)
Joined: Momentul zero
Posts: 33986, Topics: 1350
Location: localhost

Reputation: 6485.6
Votes: 829

Post Posted: 26-11-2011, 18:59:29 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

General Information:
  1. Do you want to stay out of trouble on the forum? Read and obey the rules.
  2. You don't understand the reputation system or what you can do with your reputation? Click here for more information.
  3. Do you want to be alerted everytime someone mentions your name? Activate your voice mail.
  4. You don't want to receive Private Messages from some users? Put them in your Ignore List.
  5. Do you have some suggestions for improving the forum? Write them here.
  6. You got warned or banned and want to remove them or you want to buy reputation ? Info here.

Personalise your account:
  1. You can customize your rank in exchange for reputation points. More info here.

Do you have a problem and can't find a solution on the forum? Please contact the staff:
  • Administrators: link (for account-related problems or forum errors)
  • Super-moderators: link (for posting/users/warnings-related problems or general forum issues)
  • WoW GameMasters: link (for World of Warcraft in-game/server related)

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook

Last edited by Shocker on 30-05-2019, 12:51:53; edited 5 times in total
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[Freakz owner]

Status: Offline
(since 08-02-2020 12:17)
Joined: Momentul zero
Posts: 33986, Topics: 1350
Location: localhost

Reputation: 6485.6
Votes: 829

Post Posted: 25-04-2014, 16:29:34 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Additional informations

Changing the avatar

After you've choosen your image with the maximum dimensions (150x150 pixels and 50KB), go to an image hosting site, something like this: tinypic -> Browse - choose the picture from the PC - select it and click on the Open button -> the Tags field is optional -> File type: Image -> Resize: Default -> Share: Send it Via E-Mail is also optional -> UPLOAD NOW!. {Click here for the Screenshot} After you've clicked the last option, most of the times it happens to appear a window for the spambots, there you will introduce the text that is requested in the image and select again UPLOAD NOW!. {Click here for the Screenshot} You will wait till the image is being uploaded, then click WieW Full Size Image {Click here for the Screenshot} -> again click on the image -> click View Raw Image {Click here for Screenshot} and copy the link from the navigation bar. {Click here for the ScreenShot} Practically that "Raw Image" represents the direct adress of the picture.
Come back on the forum, up in the left corner -> Profile -> Avatar control panel -> in the field named: "Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to." copy the respective link - right click - Paste -> Submit.

Changing the signature

In the same order, after you've uploaded the image on the site stated above with the maximum dimensions (460x150 pixels and 100KB) go to the Profile -> Profile Information -> in the field named: "Signature:" post after the next models:

[IMG]the direct adress of the image[/IMG]

  • for centering the image in the signature:

    [CENTER][IMG]the direct adress of the image[/IMG][/CENTER]

  • for the option of clicking on the image so it would send you to a certain adress:

    [URL=the certain adress][IMG]the direct adress of the image[/IMG][/URL]

  • for the option of clicking the image so it would send you to a certain adress and centering the image in the signature:

    [CENTER][URL=the certain adress][IMG]the direct adress of the image[/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]

  • for the option of having only a text (a maximum of 300 characters) so it would send you to a certain adress:

    [URL=the certain adress]text[/URL]

  • for the option of having only a text (a maximum of 300 characters) so it would send you to a certain adress and centering the image in the signature:

    [CENTER][URL=the certain adress]text[/URL][/CENTER]

  • for changing the color |increasing/decreasing | thickening | attributing the italic style | underlining of the text:

    [COLOR=the name of the color in English - example: white or red][SIZE=here you will put a number, if is bigger - large text, if is lower - small text][B][I][U]text[/B][/I][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR]

  • for changing the color |increasing/decreasing | thickening | attributing the italic style | underlining of the text so it would send you to a certain adress:

    [URL=the certain adress][COLOR=the name of the color in English - example: white or red][SIZE=here you will put a number, if is bigger - large text, if is lower - small text][B][I][U]text[/B][/I][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL]

  • for changing the color | increasing/decreasing | thickening | attributing the italic style | underlining of the text so it would send you to a certain adress and centering the text in the signature:

    [CENTER][URL=the certain adress][COLOR=the name of the color in English - example: white or red][SIZE=here you will put a number, if is bigger - large text, if is lower - small text][B][I][U]text[/B][/I][/U][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL][CENTER]

The ranks that are given automatically by the forum according to the number of messages

Each new user acquires the "Mentally Stable" rank.

  • the "Creep" rank it is given at 500 messages - the first white bowline:
  • the "Maniac" rank it is given at 1000 messages - the second white bowline:
  • the "Freakazoid" rank it is given at 1500 messages - the third white bowline:
  • the "Screwed Freak" rank it is given at 2500 messages - the fourth white bowline:
  • the "Assasin" rank it is given at 3500 messages - the fifth white bowline:

  • the "Criminal" rank it is given at 5000 messages
  • the "Licensed to kill" rank it is given at 6000 messages - the sixth white bowline:

  • the "Natural Born Killer" rank it is given at 7500 messages
  • the "Psychotic" rank it is given at 9000 messages - the seventh white bowline:
  • the "Wicked Sick" rank it is given at 10000 messages - the eighth white bowline:

The ranks that are offered by the forum administration (Owner/Administrators)

  • A simple moderator of a section - those who are moderating some auxiliary sections such as Games, NFS Tournaments and so on.
  • CS/MISC Server Owner - those who own servers in the community: the first bowline is blue and the next 7 bowlines are white:
  • VIP - the first 2 bowlines are blue and the next 6 bowlines are white: (click)
  • Helper - the first 2 bowlines are blue and the next 6 bowlines are white: (click)
  • WoW GameMaster - the first 2 bowlines are blue and the next 6 bowlines are white: (click)
  • Moderator - the first 4 bowlines are blue and the next 4 bowlines are white: (click)
  • Super Moderator - the first 6 bowlines are blue and the next 2 bowlines are white: (click)

Various functions that are used on the forum

  • the NEW TOPIC button - it is used for the opening of a subject (topic) into a certain section.
  • the POST REPLY button - it is used for posting a message into a certain subject.
  • the REPORT button - it is used for reporting a message that doesn't respect the forum rules
  • the EDIT button - it is used for editing your own message that has been already posted, only in the subjects that allows you to do so. (excepting the closed topics and reports)
  • the QUOTE button - it is used for quoting a message, even if it is yours.
  • the LOCKED option - informs us that the respective subject is closed and you cannot post any messages in it anymore. (the only ones who can open/post in the respective subject are the section moderators/super moderators/administrators)
  • the following option View blueposts only allows us to see only the messages that are belonging to the staff members (WoW GM/Moderators/Super Moderators/Administrators) with the blue color - this one.
  • the options View previous topic respectively View next topic allows the transition from a topic to an another in the certain section without returning into the Home postion of the forum. (index)
  • the Search option - we can use it in case we want to find out some details from the respective section/subject trough a simple typing of a certain keywords.
  • the Like and Share options - are attributed to the socializing site: facebook trough we can give a like if we enjoyed the respective subject or whe can share it on the wall.
  • the X button - it is used for deleting your posted message, this option is available only if nobody has been posted after you.
  • the romanian flag option - it allows us to choose the romanian version of the forum.
  • the usa flag option - it allows us to choose the english version of the forum.
  • this logo gives us the possibility to go to the official facebook page of the forum.
  • the forum's banner - click gives us the possibility to go into the home postion of the forum.

The opening of a subject - posting a message

After the application of the NEW TOPIC button or POST REPLY button it will open a window in which we will have several functions:

  • Subject - the place where we can introduce the title of the subject (only in new topics cases)
  • Message body - the place where we can find a lot of tags:

  • for thickening a text -

    example: text
  • for an italic text -

    example: text
  • for an underlined text -

    example: text
  • for a quoted text -


  • for the code display -


  • for listing a passage of a text -

    • text

  • for an ordered listing a passage of a text -

    1. text
    2. text

  • for inserting an image -

  • for inserting an adress (URL) -

    example: [url][/url]
  • for centering the text -


  • for a right-aligned text -


  • for hiding the text/adress/emoticon -


  • for setting the color of the text -

    example: text
  • for setting the size of the text -

    example: text
  • for increasing the size of the text field -
  • for decreasing the size of the text field -
  • for the modification of the background color of the text field into an open coloured black -
  • for the modification of the background color of the text field into a dark coloured black -

    In the left side of the message body we will find the emoticons where trough a simple click on one of them it will generate automatically in the text field it's appearance:

  • example: -

  • Options - the part where we can deactivate the BB code, the smiles, the signature and the notification of a new message into the respective subject. If you want to use the questionnaire options, you will find more details in here.

    Changing the nickname

    It can be made trough a bank transfer with a value of 15 RON (Romanian New Leu), informations about payment here

    After finishing the bank transfer don't forget to KEEP THE RECEIPT! And you will have to get in touch with Shocker trough PM to establish the last details.

    If you want to send through Western Union / Money Gram from another country, you can send any currency you want (Euro, USD, etc). But before doing that it is more safer to contact Shocker trough PM .

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    Locked by Shocker, 26 November 2011 16:59

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