
Fraude On-Line:Lottery Scam

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Author Message1157

[Mentally Stable]

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(since 13-12-2016 09:37)
Joined: 27 Oct 2007
Posts: 209, Topics: 186
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Post Posted: 14-01-2008, 18:22:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cati dintre voi nu ati primit de-a lungul timpului e-mailuri atragatoare care va anuntau ca din senin ca sunteti fericitul castigator a unui milion de dolari sau ma rog,diferite sume mai mici sau mai mari?iar pentru a putea intra in posesia castigului nu trebuia decat sa indepliniti cateva "formalitati" cum ar fi sa trimiteti pe adresa "loteriei" numele si prenumele ,varsta,adresa,ocupatia sau in alte cazuri cativa zeci(sau sute) de dolari pentru "taxe".sunt cunoscute fraudele comise de "loteriile nigeriene" cand victimele sunt convinse cu acte care seamana izbitor cu cele originale,li se cer bani pentru a deschide conturi fictive si pentru diferite taxe.partea cu banii e cea mai usoara pierdere,se cunosc cazuri cand unele victime au fost rapite sau chiar ucise cand s-au dus dupa "premiu"
exemplu de scam mail nigerian:
Subject: Awaitting your responce.

My name is Danjuma Sule, one of the sons of major Gen Gumel Danjuma Sule, The late Nigeria's former minister of mines and power in the regime of the late former Nigeria's military Head of state, Gen Sanni Abacha.

He married my mother on the agreement that my mother,Amina Fausat Sule, will maintain her family's name together with her children. Before he died in the German hospital on the 15th of November 1988 where he went to operate on the cancer of the knee, he fixed the Sum of $30,000.000.00 in the Central Bank of Nigeria under Intartrade Ventures Ltd on behalf of my mother. The 3 yrs maturity period placed on the money is due but the problem we are having now is that we lost the whole of the documents as a result of fire, which gutted our house 3 months ago.

We have discussed with our family attorney on how to collect the money with out hitches, he advised us to liaise with a foreigner who will act as the foreign partner of Intartrade Ventures Ltd and will purport that The money in question is urgently needed overseas for an important project.

It is on this basis I am seeking for assistance. Your percentage is negotiable. Please note; your age and profession doesn't really matter in this transaction. Waiting for your immediate response.

Danjuma Sule

un alt exemplu bun este Yahoo mail Lottery Win-de obicei esti anuntat ca ai castigat 1000 de dolari,tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa iti trimiti datele personale si sa te inregistrezi pe "yahoo games"(vorba vine) pt modica suma de 8.75 $

-puteti castiga la o loterie numai daca ati cumparat un bilet
-daca ati castigat(deci aveti si biletul),voi trebuie sa contactati loteria,in niciun caz ea pe voi
-este ilegal ca o loterie sa va ceara taxe pentru a va da castigul

pe o sa gasiti in jur de 73912 scam lottery mails
daca ai fost victima unei fraude:

r3st in peace...
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