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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-08-2013, 13:56:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Female human rogue (dps role ofcourse) I can assure you that i will get a pve trinket in monday, just because im valor capped at the moment.
My best dps in a raid was about 32k i dont have a screenshot cause i wasnt able to do one, but dps is not a problem for me.
So im 17 years old, i live in Bulgaria, i love raiding and i decided to join a good PVE guild like ''Whoracle'' since i think that i need what's required, i have good pve ilvl and high dps , i also have a decent amount of raiding experience and ive done alot raids so i think i have the ''PVE skills'' to join Whoracle. So thats about it and I hope I will get accepted. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-08-2013, 09:03:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

marto68 wrote:
Female human rogue (dps role ofcourse) I can assure you that i will get a pve trinket in monday, just because im valor capped at the moment.
My best dps in a raid was about 32k i dont have a screenshot cause i wasnt able to do one, but dps is not a problem for me.
So im 17 years old, i live in Bulgaria, i love raiding and i decided to join a good PVE guild like ''Whoracle'' since i think that i need what's required, i have good pve ilvl and high dps , i also have a decent amount of raiding experience and ive done alot raids so i think i have the ''PVE skills'' to join Whoracle. So thats about it and I hope I will get accepted. -

Whisper me ingame at any time. I'd like to check you before saying anything since I can't see your pve gear.

Posturi unite automat, 03-08-2013, 10:03:49

Also, guild recruitments are opened for all classes and all specs. Min ilvl requirement is 385. When applying as dps/rdps make sure to post a screenshot with at least 28-30k dps on dummy without any buffs otherwise you'll be rejected.

P.S. Try to write a bit more in your application (e.g. what is your timezone, can someone vouch for you, how long have you been playing, why would you be an improvement for the guild, what is your current heroic progress etc.)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-08-2013, 18:34:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1)Character name, race, class and your role(s). Palyway,male/ human, Paladin. Retri ( can be tank)
2)A screenshot or the Armory link.
3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces. i can do about 25k dps this is not problem for me i dont have ss because i wasnt able to do one
4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them. my previous guild was Wygnani. but after 4.0.6 i doesnt played here and they kicked me from guild for being afk for longer than 2 months
5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your (character and why you want to join our guild.
my age is 18 years im from Lithuania and experience on 4.0.6 i killed all bosses hc mode and now i want a new chalenges i love raiding and i decided to join a good PVE guild cause its hard to find good guild now in Whoracle playing a lot of people from my country and from my previous guild
( So thats about it and I hope I will get accepted.
but i have only 1 problem now i have full hc pve gear from 4.0.6 and only pvp items for 4.3.4 that i hope you will help me in future -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-08-2013, 22:51:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

manoges wrote:
1)Character name, race, class and your role(s). Palyway,male/ human, Paladin. Retri ( can be tank)
2)A screenshot or the Armory link.
3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces. i can do about 25k dps this is not problem for me i dont have ss because i wasnt able to do one
4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them. my previous guild was Wygnani. but after 4.0.6 i doesnt played here and they kicked me from guild for being afk for longer than 2 months
5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your (character and why you want to join our guild.
my age is 18 years im from Lithuania and experience on 4.0.6 i killed all bosses hc mode and now i want a new chalenges i love raiding and i decided to join a good PVE guild cause its hard to find good guild now in Whoracle playing a lot of people from my country and from my previous guild
( So thats about it and I hope I will get accepted.
but i have only 1 problem now i have full hc pve gear from 4.0.6 and only pvp items for 4.3.4 that i hope you will help me in future -

if you made 2nd application at least you could`ve put 1 screenshot with your dps on dummies...whisp an officer in game for testing

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[Licensed to kill]

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Post Posted: 04-08-2013, 05:03:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Character name, race, class and your roles: Arkantoss, elf, druid, boomkin/ resto.
2. Armory:
3. I got no screenshots of any kind. Installed WOW just yestarday after a long break.
4. I previously was member of Eisisum Generis left due to being bored by the content offered by freakz at the time, so I quitted the server. When I came back joinned Summit then merged with back to rule. Back to rule was my last guild, I had to quit WOW again due to buisness trip and here I am again.
5. So., hey!- My name is Radoslav, Im from Bulgaria, 22 years old. Recently graduated. Got plenty of gaming experience, mostly with wow dota and diablo. My previous rading experience as it follows:
vanilla - none
tbc - cleared all tiers except for swp
wotlk - full t7,t8,t9,t10 retail experience. Finished as world #25 light of dawn. Got plenty of raid leading exp, both retail and private for wotlk.
Cata - cleared t11, t12, t13. I was afk during t11 and t12, cleared em after. Got full hc exp with DS pre nerf. Finished #30 world madness kill.
I know Im at about 380ilvl but I will catch the 385 in no time. I basicly want to join cuz I always enjoy good PVE experience and Whoracle is the right place to get it as it seems. Also I saw some fammilar names, including my santi who I know and love to play with for awhile now.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-08-2013, 13:32:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ashcool wrote:
1. Character name, race, class and your roles: Arkantoss, elf, druid, boomkin/ resto.
2. Armory:
3. I got no screenshots of any kind. Installed WOW just yestarday after a long break.
4. I previously was member of Eisisum Generis left due to being bored by the content offered by freakz at the time, so I quitted the server. When I came back joinned Summit then merged with back to rule. Back to rule was my last guild, I had to quit WOW again due to buisness trip and here I am again.
5. So., hey!- My name is Radoslav, Im from Bulgaria, 22 years old. Recently graduated. Got plenty of gaming experience, mostly with wow dota and diablo. My previous rading experience as it follows:
vanilla - none
tbc - cleared all tiers except for swp
wotlk - full t7,t8,t9,t10 retail experience. Finished as world #25 light of dawn. Got plenty of raid leading exp, both retail and private for wotlk.
Cata - cleared t11, t12, t13. I was afk during t11 and t12, cleared em after. Got full hc exp with DS pre nerf. Finished #30 world madness kill.
I know Im at about 380ilvl but I will catch the 385 in no time. I basicly want to join cuz I always enjoy good PVE experience and Whoracle is the right place to get it as it seems. Also I saw some fammilar names, including my santi who I know and love to play with for awhile now.

Accepted. Whisper an officer ingame.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-08-2013, 17:24:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recruitment is closed for : MDPS and Healers

We are looking for: Tanks and RDPS

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 13-08-2013 08:02)
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Post Posted: 07-08-2013, 20:52:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1)Character name, race, class and your role(s).
Ironhill, Human, Protection paladin
2)A screenshot or the Armory link.
3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces.
ok i am tank.
4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them.
i am in C O R E right now.i wanna leave because they are inactive atm and i like guild runs in all difficulty.
another problem is :the guild member dont speak english often.
5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild.
i am 18 years olds boy.i live in Iran.i play wow most times in my free time or swiming.
i know tanking at all boss just dont know about heroic of Warlord zon'ozz because i dont tried.
i was created new topic instead of post reply i am really sorry.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 08-08-2013 11:43)
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Post Posted: 07-08-2013, 22:22:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1)Character name, race, class and your role(s).

Name : Ignox,
Race : Human
Class : Priest
Role : Shadow

2)A screenshot or the Armory link.

3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces.

Screenshot with DPS on Raider's Dummy(sorry for not posting it from when i was in raid ,but i just downloaded the addon hours before i made the application and i couldn't join any raid because i'm saved for every single raid,also screenshot with glyphs+spec.Worthless to post screenshot with 2nd spec because im playing shadow as main and 2nd spec is for pvp.


4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them.

I'm new to the server so i haven't been in any PvE guilds,but i got decent gear from normal raids.
P.s. I've been thinking of looking for any PvE guild but some friends told me some stuff about them and adviced me to try to join your because it is the best.

5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild.

I'm 19 years old,I'm from Bulgaria.In my free time im training MMA,going out with friends,night clubs all the time -.About my raiding experience,i'm playing pve only just because i want to do something difference than playing arenas,battlegrounds,because im pvp player only,so im also a PvE player.My raiding experience is 8/8 10n,25n,7/8 10heroic (Dragon soul),i've cleaned old raids such as ICC,Firelands,BwD,BoT,ToFW.As i already said,i'm new to the server so i don't really have much achieved stuff,i have 4/4 10n/25n progress atm,looking forward to raid with you some heroic raids if i join you.I want to join the guild cuz like i already said i've heard from well known players also friends that rest of guilds aren't that decent on pveing and you're the only one that is really a GOOD one.

Last edited by Igno on 08-08-2013, 13:44:01; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-08-2013, 12:22:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Igno wrote:
1)Character name, race, class and your role(s).

Name : Ignox,
Race : Human
Class : Priest
Role : Shadow

2)A screenshot or the Armory link.

3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces.

Screenshot with DPS on Raider's Dummy(sorry for not posting it from when i was in raid ,but i just downloaded the addon hours before i made the application and i couldn't join any raid because i'm saved for every single raid,also screenshot with glyphs+spec.Worthless to post screenshot with 2nd spec because im playing shadow as main and 2nd spec is for pvp.


4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them.

I'm new to the server so i haven't been in any PvE guilds,but i got decent gear from normal raids.
P.s. I've been thinking of looking for any PvE guild but some friends told me some stuff about them and adviced me to try to join your because it is the best.

5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild.

I'm 19 years old,I'm from Bulgaria.In my free time im training MMA,going out with friends,night clubs all the time -.About my raiding experience,i'm playing pve only just because i want to do something difference than playing arenas,battlegrounds,because im pvp player only,so im also a PvE player.My raiding experience is 8/8 10n,25n,7/8 10heroic (Dragon soul),i've cleaned old raids such as ICC,Firelands,BwD,BoT,ToFW.As i already said,i'm new to the server so i don't really have much achieved stuff,i have 4/4 10n/25n progress atm,looking forward to raid with you some heroic raids if i join you.I wan't to join the guild cuz like i already said i've heard from well known players also friends that rest of guild aren't that decent on pveing and you're the only one that is really a GOOD one.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-08-2013, 19:39:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1)Character name, race, class and your role(s)...... Gred ; Humman ; Death Knight Unh

2)A screenshot or the Armory link.

3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces........ Ohh i cant post pic but i make 30k+ dps
My best dps is 42k on 10n DS
4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them........ I was in The Cold Knights but everyone left and joined other guild ... Then i joined Back to Rule but they ninjaed me 1 item and i left and thats all

5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild............Im 16 from Bulgaria In my free time i play Wow xD im so active .. My raiding experience ..hmm i like riding i have Morchok and Yor on heroic i know the scripts for Hagara and for Zon ozz but i have never been in enough good group to kill them .... ;x .... Idk what to say about my character - . And i want to join your guild because i want to be in a friendly and serious guild . I know you are good players and im sure u dont wipe on bosses . I need Pve guild with who i will do raids.. Ty i hope ull inv me i rly want to join

Have a nice day -

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 23-10-2013 20:07)
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Post Posted: 08-08-2013, 23:39:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1)Character name, race, class and your role(s).

Name : Averna
Race : Human
Class : Death Knight
Role : MS : Frost DPS / OS : Blood Tank

2)A screenshot or the Armory link.

3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces.

4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them.

Guardians Of Fate

Guild Master kicked me because i attacked one of our guild mates hero and killed him in Darkmoon Arena Match.

5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild.

My raiding experience beside Cata raid is i was a raid leader back in an old private server , i was raid leader of BWD 10n -HC , BH 10n , Bot 10n - HC , also i played mostly WOTLK but couldnt complete The ICC.
I want to join your guild because you have fixed raid times , use calendar to join , experienced raid leaders

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-08-2013, 02:13:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

GredJenkins wrote:
1)Character name, race, class and your role(s)...... Gred ; Humman ; Death Knight Unh

2)A screenshot or the Armory link.

3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces........ Ohh i cant post pic but i make 30k+ dps
My best dps is 42k on 10n DS
4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them........ I was in The Cold Knights but everyone left and joined other guild ... Then i joined Back to Rule but they ninjaed me 1 item and i left and thats all

5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild............Im 16 from Bulgaria In my free time i play Wow xD im so active .. My raiding experience ..hmm i like riding i have Morchok and Yor on heroic i know the scripts for Hagara and for Zon ozz but i have never been in enough good group to kill them .... ;x .... Idk what to say about my character - . And i want to join your guild because i want to be in a friendly and serious guild . I know you are good players and im sure u dont wipe on bosses . I need Pve guild with who i will do raids.. Ty i hope ull inv me i rly want to join

Have a nice day -

av3rna wrote:
1)Character name, race, class and your role(s).

Name : Averna
Race : Human
Class : Death Knight
Role : MS : Frost DPS / OS : Blood Tank

2)A screenshot or the Armory link.

3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces.

4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them.

Guardians Of Fate

Guild Master kicked me because i attacked one of our guild mates hero and killed him in Darkmoon Arena Match.

5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild.

My raiding experience beside Cata raid is i was a raid leader back in an old private server , i was raid leader of BWD 10n -HC , BH 10n , Bot 10n - HC , also i played mostly WOTLK but couldnt complete The ICC.
I want to join your guild because you have fixed raid times , use calendar to join , experienced raid leaders.

Both Rejected. Look here why:

Unfair wrote:
Recruitment is closed for : MDPS and Healers

We are looking for: Tanks and RDPS

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-08-2013, 15:35:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1) Nidia, Draenei, Shaman, RESTO/ENH

2) Armory link:

3) I don't have any sreenshots from raids.

4) I'm in "Wygnani" guild but there aren't too many good players for raids.

5) I'm 18 and I'm from Poland. In my free time I listen music and play with my friends.

I play WoW from few years but I know scripts and tactics and I want to join your guild beacouse u have many good players and u did HC raids.

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Post Posted: 09-08-2013, 20:15:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

LoRaK95 wrote:
1) Nidia, Draenei, Shaman, RESTO/ENH

2) Armory link:

3) I don't have any sreenshots from raids.

4) I'm in "Wygnani" guild but there aren't too many good players for raids.

5) I'm 18 and I'm from Poland. In my free time I listen music and play with my friends.

I play WoW from few years but I know scripts and tactics and I want to join your guild beacouse u have many good players and u did HC raids.

Accepted, contact an officer online for invite.

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