
[ HORDE / ENGLISH ] Copper House is recruiting MoP experienced players [ PVE ]

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Author Message373

[Mentally Stable]

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(since 16-05-2015 20:09)
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Post Posted: 29-04-2015, 15:31:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Copper House is a newly formed Horde guild and we are looking for players that have MoP raiding experience, all of the founding guild members have extensive retail experience in all MoP raiding content from Mogu to Siege.

Aim is to form a 10-man core raiding group and get ahead.

Raiding days will be set when core group is complete. Expect to raid 2-3 times/days a week.

Mature players preferred. That does not mean younger players cant join.

Be reasonably good at understanding and speaking english.

All applications will be considered, if you get picked we will notify you in-game.

Be level 90.


In-game name:

Race and Class:

MoP Raiding experience:

Age: (example: 15-20 20-25 25-30 etc. choose what suits you in this format. We respect your privacy)

Good luck !

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