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Horde Leveling Guide
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Posted: 03-05-2018, 16:42:11
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While leveling my mage i found a pretty nice leveling path that could help you get your character to 110 in aprox 11-12 hours.
For starters:
Level up to 10 in your start zone then you can go to Northern barrens and do some of the quests in these zones just enough to get you to level 20
From level 20 you go to ashenvale Splintertree post
and follow the quests there untill you get to level 30
From level 30 go to Southren barrens
and do the quests from the marked area untill you are level 40
Most of you will hate leveling in the next map since it's thousand needles but dont worry , it's not that hard
there are 2 things i circled , the small circle is for the zone where you first take the quests and the other one is the zone for those quests , it's actually not that bad especially if you have the Subdued Seahorse mount , even if you dont have it you would spend there like 10-20 more minutes than those who have it , none of the quests there are bugged so dont worry , actually not many of the zones i said have bugged quests and if you're in doubt of what to do , just click on the quest log and then on the quest and read the details , those can help you a lot in some situations. Anyway , level in thousand needles untill level 45.
From here it will get easier , at Level 45 you go to Tanaris
, and do the arena quests , and if you dont get them , do another quest from the same zone for 1 level , then go back and you'll definetely have them. By the time you are done with those quests you will be level 50.
Once you hit level 50 go to Un'goro Crater
in the circled zone and take all the quests there you will get to 60.
Now it gets super easy , you simply go to Helfire Peninsula
Thrallmar is where you want to start , take all the quests except the pvp one , after you do them all you will get a quest that will tell you to go to the right circled zone
the quests there are easy too , kill 4 mobs get some stuff explode portals , done.
Now , the third circle is gonna be difficult for some classes since that is where the dungeon Hellfire Ramparts is , just go up with your flying mount then the entrance is on the left side down , if you want more details about the entrance you can go look it up on youtube , shouldn't take more than 20 seconds.
The hard part is that there , some classes can solo the dungeon easily and some can't , if you have high ilvl friends or from guild , you can call them since that is the only dungeon you will do in all of this.
After you finish that dungeon you will probably be lvl 66 , at that level you go to Nagrand
in the circled zone there's an arena
with autocomplete quests , except the last one , you may have to convince that friend to follow you for the last one or if you're lucky you can find someone there already , the last quest si kinda hard to solo since the "boss" does a lot of damage but if you're 2 lvl 66 you can kill him easily. after that you will be level 70 and you will go to the next zone.
At level 70 you go to Borean Tundra in Northrend , if you dont know how to get there, you have 2 choices : the boat or the old dalaran portal
it's in the red dotted area close to the exit, and then you can just fast travel to Warsong hold in borean Tundra
Follow the quests there untill you are lvl 76-77 , after that go back to Dalaran and in the sewers
talk with that goblin and take the quest from him , he will send you to Zul'drak arena
. Most of the quests there are autocomplete. and i will tell you one trick on how to get them faster because once you take one , you would think you actually have to kill that mini boss there to get the rest, that's not entirely true because you can just get up on your flying mount , get the aggro of the boss on you then go away , when he will reset it will count the same as you killed him , once you get to the quest where you actually have to kill the boss , you can do 2 things: call a friend to help you kill him or just team up with the guys that are already there, or if you are ranged you can just use your slows on him and kite him around. You can do that arena untill you are level 80.
At level 80 i will explain 2 types of leveling from now on
First you go to Mount hyjal Nordrasil
, and if you've got the Elixir of Ancient knowledge that gives 300% more experience from everything , you can use it now and from now on you need to rush as much as possible , you're gonna reach lvl 85 from only the quests from Nordrasil.
from 85 just follow the pandaria questline untill you are lvl 90 , that's gonna take around 10-20 minutes.
In draenor you just follow the quests untill you have the garrison , then you do one bonus objective and you're done with draenor.
Now the slower type that's gonna take a lot longer , i recommend the first one though.
you go to the same place, only that you are forced to do a lot more quests , after you're done with nordrasil ,
, you're gonna get a lot of quests from Ysera , go to the one closer to the circle i made in the screenshot and do quests there untill you are 85.
In pandaria you're also gonna do like 6-7 more quests than the one with the potion, that's why it's even gonna take longer.
In draenor it's gonna be even more harder since you'll have to walk a lot and do a lot more bonus objectives rather than just one.
once you get to draenor do all the frostfire ridge ones then move to Gorgond there also do bonus objectives untill you are lvl 98 . there are a total of 9 bonus objectives there and each one gives half of the Experience bar and it's a lot faster than doing quests since ~5 quests=1 bonus objective or around that.
In Legion , the ones with the potion are gonna have a 3-4 level advantage if they dont waste time while they have it.
You will start doing the questline in Aszuna since it's very easy and straightforward and also do all the bonus objectives
The ones with the potion can go do Val'sharah questline after they have finished Aszuna 5/5 , and after you've done 3 chapters in Val'sharah and some other quests you're 110. Congrats
The one without the potion can start doing the Stormheim questline because that one is the most fun one and not boring to do , except helheim part and that part is the last one , do the questline and all bonus objectives untill heilheim included you'll get to 110. Congrats.
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