
[Hunter][PvP] Deterrence

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Post Posted: 20-06-2014, 01:22:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:

1) Descrierea bugului / Bug description: Kidney Shot trece prin detterance , tin sa mentionez ca la fel e si cu Cheap Shot dar n-am reusit sa mai prind unul pentru ca nu iti iasa din prima , dadeam 4 miss-uri unu dupa altu dar bug-ul exista nu stiu de la ce e doar la Kidney am reusit sa prind print.
Dovada / Proof:

jammie wrote:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: While Detterence is active you can still be Pounce stun / Cheap shot. You can also be damaged by Shred / Ravage / Backstab / Ambush. This is not intended. Every spell used on you during Detterence should miss.

Did plenty of shred/ravage/pounce and none of them missed. Thats not random or rng like u said in the other thread.

Dovada / Proof:

The "not so random" part occurs only if the druid/rogue and the hunter are Night Elves.

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Post Posted: 20-06-2014, 15:52:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1) Se intampla da, dar foarte rar (o data la 20~ trys or less aka e random). Probabil are ceva legatura cu miss chance @ Deterrence.
Proof here & here.
Nu tine cont de ce rasa sunt caracterele.

2) Este valabil numai daca Druid-ul/Rogue-ul si Hunter-ul sunt Night Elf's, de vina asta .

" you are "

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