
[Hunter][PvP] The Beast Within

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Author Message1687

[From the Black Rock]

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Post Posted: 12-03-2013, 01:10:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: (wowhead link)
Descrierea bugului / Bug description: (wowhead link) must remove any lose controls and movement impiring effects. This effect DONT shares a cooldown with other similar effects, except for the (wowhead link).

Dovada / Proof:

Cataclysm Beta Hunter Preview: Big Red Pet Changes

The quintissential BM hunter ability — bestial wrath/beast within — has changed a bit in the current version of the Cataclysm beta. When you (or your pet) are big and red, you are no longer immune to crowd control. For the time being, big red pet still breaks you out of crowd control.

Certainly the ability to completely ignore anything your opponent did to stop you for 10 seconds was one of the great pvp strengths of BM that made it such a popular and strong member of beast cleave arena teams. But before everyone predicts doom and gloom, it’s not all bad news.

Big red pet is now massively increasing your dps for the duration — in Wrath all you got was the 10% damage boost, but in Cataclysm you’re able to fire off twice as many shots due to the shot cost reduction. This translates into huge burst damage.

Of course, the new strategy when seeing big and red is going to be to immediately stun/root/fear/cc you in any way possible, meaning that you’re probably better off using it to break out of a cc to unlead furry red death.

Comments from (wowhead link)
In the patch 4.0.1 this talent no longer grants inmunity to cc and slow while it last , but it still remove those effects on use. (wowhead link)
The Beast Within triggers the 30 second cooldown of Will of the Forsaken (wowhead link)
Will it share coldown with Every Man for Himself if I play human hunt ? (wowhead link)
It does not share a cooldown with trinket, so I think it's best to assume not

After use Bestial Wrath, The Beast Within remove the charge stun (1:50)

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