
Infused ruby vendors - Where to spend currency

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Post Posted: 02-03-2022, 17:13:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

For those of you with this currency that caps at 100 who want to spend it instead of waste it not being able to loot more.

Some of the vendors aren't spawned, some don't work.

/way 48.6 68.6 Deadfoot
/way 72.2 39.8 Absolooshun
/way 60.8, 62.4 Dimwiddle
/way 32.6, 49.2 Mats
/way 54.6, 73.2 Muckfist
/way 77.4, 39.2 Nourman
/way 26.0, 28.4 Ironeye
/way 42.4, 46.8 Tin-Tin
/way 60.6, 39.8 Gibbo
/way 58.8, 69.6 Foreman Scug
/way 35.0, 34.6 Gobbers
/way 51.0, 78.8 Stuffans
/way 72.8, 73.4 Dirk

Dimwiddle works. Deadfoot isn't spawned. Muckfist has nothing to sell and only works as a repair vendor you can sell stuff to. Not sure about the rest. If someone was inclined they could check them or do a proper bug report about non-working one(s). I did not do a bug report because my goal was only to find a working one.

Cheers maw walkers!

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