
[Interface] Premade Interface

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Post Posted: 29-06-2018, 01:10:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: N/A

Bug description:

-Creating a group with automatic invitations allows too many players of the same role to get into the group (for example you end up with 5 DPS or 2 heals + 2 tanks + 1 dps). This should be limited/set to 1 tank + 1 heal + 3 DPS as usual.
-When applying to more than 1 group, and you get invited by either, you get a message/indication that you're invited into both groups and the interface shows too much wrong information;
-When you apply into a group and then Cancel and then Refresh the list, you still have a message "Cancelled" for too long, maybe even until you relog.
-When you create a group and the group gets to 5/5, the feature should automatically delist your group but it does not.
-When you apply for a group and then Cancel the application, you see on your end that it's Cancelled but the group leader of that group can still invite you. This can be avoided only by relogging which is not really the idea, is it...
-In many occasions when you apply for a group you wait for too long but the actual group has already been delisted. I can't point a specific reason for this but it happens too often so it can be tracked easily.
-When you apply for a group and it has already been delisted, you get a message that "One or more party members are on random dungeon cooldown". Obviously that's not the case and message should advise of something different (for example "The group you are trying to apply to has been delisted. Click Refresh to update the list").
-When you create a group and you change areas or teleport with Hearthstone or something else, and if you're still alone in the group, the group disbands suddenly (for example you create a group and use the Dalaran Hearthstone right after that, the group is automatically disbanded; another example is when you create a group and use the flight master to get to somewhere, when the area changes while flying the group disbands...).
-When you get out of a group (uninvited or you leave by yourself) while the group is listed in the Premade, you still see the list of the applicants that want to join the party which you just left.

Proof: N/A


P.S. This topic concerns the Premades in the section "Dungeons". Most probably these issues can be seen in all the sections...

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Post Posted: 22-09-2018, 11:10:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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