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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 23-10-2013 16:04)
Joined: 25 Jan 2013
Posts: 9, Topics: 3
Location: Serbia

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Post Posted: 25-01-2013, 16:59:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello guys! I've been playing here for a while now and i really like it. Since 4.3.4 came up, the bugs that we encounter were to expect anyway. These are one of the ones that i've found. At the moment i'm playing 2 classes: Warrior and Priest. I'll explore a bit more and let you know via ingame ticket if i have found anything else.

Warrior: the damage warrior is doing, even with gear, it's tremendously low. same as rage generation. example: i got hit for 30k damage and still generated really low rage. so basicly these 2 things are pretty messed up, they really need to be checked.
NEEDS A HOTFIX!!!-----> Guys, warrior dmg is completely broken as well as rogue's. Tested it with a rogue today, he was suprised how low my damage was.
Recklessness and Deadly Calm can no longer be used at the same time. One cannot be used while the other is active, but using one does not put the other on its full cooldown. It can be activated at the same time. Actually, Recklessness, Retaliation, Shield Wall and Deadly Calm can be macroed and be used at the same time. It's an unfair adventage over other players. Needs an immediate fix.
Visual bug with rage: the rage bar starts generating rage from alone, doing nothing but generating rage. THE ABILITES CANNOT BE USED. its only a visual bug. the only way to remove it is to use battle shout, BUT it starts getting up AGAIN.

Quick explanation of some bugs:
-The AH gets stuck after second search. It can only be fixed by relogging. Check this out too.
-GOLD- the mobs arent dropping gold at all.
-Daily RBG - doesn't give Conquest Points at all. This really needs an immediate fix.

Priest: atm im completely satisfied how priest works. couldn't find any bugs or whatsoever. Mind Control - broken, needs a fix. Controling an enemy doesn't work well. The mob/player doesn't gett affected, literally.

LAG- so far, freakz has the weirdest lag, really. people who are in front of me cannot be attacked, slowed or anything. in the next moment they are in who knows where. didnt happen once, happens every time after like.. 12-13h. it is silly, really. -------- it's stable now

DODGE- Everybody's dodge should be 5%, no more-no less.At the moment it is broken. Warriors have 7% or even more. With the patches it was set for every other class except Rogues and Druids to 5%.

It would be of a great use if a GM messages the players if they are going to encounter lag or a fix ingame.
And again, if i find anything suspicious, ill message you guys.

Thanks for your time and best regards,

Death Knights: Pillar of Frost: makes the death knight immune to knockbacks, glyphed immune to all cc BUT cannot move aka stuck in place while pillar is on. the dk walks freely with it, immune to stuns and after pillar which is like 20 sec duration, he can activate icebound fortitude to be immune to stuns again. --------- FIXED

Paladin: Ret/Prot spec - Their heal with Word of Glory is way too high. It needs to be checked. I tested it with a BT paladin. The heals were tremendously high, i don't wan't to imagine the heal with ruthless/cataclysm.

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