
Item Recovery due to server crash

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Post Posted: 25-11-2014, 23:50:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character Name: Liquidsword
Item Name & ID: Runescriven Demon Collar(heroic) (don't know item ID, sorry)
Armory Link: Currently can't open Armory
Details: (optional) Hello Freakz Staff , so i was doing a Dragon Soul 10h with my guild , and we killed Hagara and the Runescriven Demon Collar dropped, which was a miracle for me because i waited 3 months for it to drop. And i won it and i was extremely happy. About 3 minutes later we went to do Morchok , and we were clearing trash and server crashed. When the server came back i llogged in and checked my inventory and my Runescriven Demon Collar was gone. I am very uspet about this and hope i can get the item recovered. I have no evidence because obviously the server crashed instantly. But if you could check my item drops or something, because i am not lying. Thanks for your time, goodbye and good luck.

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