
[Legion Raid] [Antorus, The Burning Throne] Mythic Eonar Nerfs Not Applied

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Post Posted: 16-06-2022, 21:45:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Character name: Fbmage
Bug description:

eonar was (in retail) nerfed in 8.2.5 and 9.1.5 patch version 40871
for comparison we're using client 9.1.5 patch version 40944
the nerf on 8.2.5 change eonar mythic mechanic Final Doom - where you need to get into the ship and destroy 4 crystals or the encounter failed/end.

-old version : a player can only destroy a crystal once per encounter (so need 12-16 person at least since theres 4x Final Doom in encounter)

-new version : a player can destroy crystals as many as he wanted (so the boss can be soloed somewhat - well at bfa maybe not solo more like 3-5 man since the ilvl is not enough.)

While nerf on 9.1.5 made it so eonar fill her "energy" twice as fast as pre-nerf - shortening the fight into doable in one or two Final Doom casts timeframe and made them "easily soloable"

but in freakz we still can only click crystal once (like old version) and the "energy" still fill up slowly.

unfortunately i cant find any official mention of the 8.2.5 nerf but a lot of forum comment on it exist, such as : (read the comments/replies)

while 9.1.5 nerf is detailed on wowhead

Suggestion : rather than spending your precious time and effort fixing all the mechanic/applying all the nerf you need, just make this particular boss skippable (insta-finish). wont change much since the rest of the bosses in antorus mythic raid can be killed in 10-20 sec, top.

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