
Level 120 boost gear

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Should the 120 boost gear be updated to BFA gear?
 66%  [ 4 ]
 33%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 6

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Post Posted: 25-08-2021, 05:55:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

To keep it short and to the point: The gear a fresh level 120 who chose to pay for the boost is given extremely inadequate and out dated gear by a full 20 levels. While it may not sound much in level difference the stat difference is massive and as such a fresh level 120 is almost completely unable do quests to get gear, never mind trying to even go straight to Nazjatar. The gear given to a level 120 if it were consisting of 3 Azerite Gear Pieces a level 5-15 Heart of Azeroth and various quest reward gear pieces for a 120 would be far superior to that of the current Level 100 Legion boost gear that level 120 boosts are currently having to use. Kindly requesting at some point if possible that the gear given to a boosted 120 be at least consisting of BFA quest gear so we can actually quest and catch up on our own instead of having to ask someone to help us.
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