
M.A.G.E. : Fire/Arcane/Frost PvE/PvP

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 19:19:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The mage is a DPS caster that specializes in burst damage and AoE spells. Their primary role in parties/raids is Dealing Damage and Crowd Controling (with the use of Sheep (wowhead link) and/or Kiting their enemies).

Races :

Every Man For Himself (wowhead link)
Diplomacy (wowhead link)

Flayer (wowhead link)
Viciousness (wowhead link)
Running Wild (wowhead link)
Darkflight (wowhead link)
Aberration (wowhead link)

Escape Artist (wowhead link)
Expansive Mind (wowhead link)
Arcane Resistance (wowhead link)
Engineering Spec (wowhead link)

Gemcutting (wowhead link)
Shadow Resistance (wowhead link)
Gift of the Naaru (wowhead link)
Heroic Presnece (wowhead link)

Night Elves:
Shadowmeld (wowhead link)
Nature Resistance (wowhead link)

Regeneration (wowhead link)
Da Voodoo Shuffle (wowhead link)
Berserking (wowhead link)
Beast Slaying (wowhead link)

Cannibalize (wowhead link)
Shadow Resistance (wowhead link)
Underwater Breathing (wowhead link)
Will of the Forsaken (wowhead link)

Blood Elves:
Arcane Torrent (wowhead link)
Arcane Affinity (wowhead link)
Arcane Resistances (wowhead link)

Time is Money (wowhead link)
Best Deals Anywhere (wowhead link)
Better Living Thru Chemistry (wowhead link)
Pack Hobgoblin (wowhead link)
Rocket Barrage (wowhead link)
Rocket Jump (wowhead link)

Mages Professions:
Alchemy: +80 Int (Mixology (wowhead link) on Flask of Draconic Mind)
Blacksmith: +80 Int (2x gem sockets with Brilliant Infernos)
Enchanting: +80 Int (2x Intellect Ring Chants)
Engineering: +96 Int (the average Int received from Synapse Springs (wowhead link))
Herbalism: +480 Haste (Lifeblood (wowhead link) & heal/2min CD)
Inscription: +80 Int (Felfire Inscription (wowhead link) vs Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone)
Jewelcrafting: +81 Int (3x Brilliant Chimera's Eye vs Brilliant Infernos)
Leatherworking: +130 Int; -50 Crit (Replacing Greater Crit with Embossment-Int)
Mining: +120 Stam (Toughness (wowhead link))
Skinning: +80 Crit (Master of Anatomy (wowhead link))
Tailoring: +143 Int (Replacing Greater Int with Lightweave avg)

Enchanting :

PvE -Arcanum of Hyjal
PvP -Arcanum of Vicious Int

PvE -Greater Inscr of Charged Lodestone
PvP -Greater Inscr of Greater Int

PvE & PvP - Peerless Stats (wowhead link)

PvE & PvP - Ebonsteel Belt Buckle

PvE - Powerful Ghostly Spellthread
PvP - Powerful Enchanted Spellthread

PvE - Hit +50 (wowhead link) or Mastery +50 (wowhead link) or Haste +50 (wowhead link)
PvE & PvP - Lavawalker (wowhead link) [Cata encounters REQUIRE movement...]

PvE -Crit +65 (wowhead link) or Haste +65 (wowhead link) or Int +50 (wowhead link) or Hit +50 (wowhead link)
PvP -Int +50 (wowhead link) or Haste +65 (wowhead link)

PvE -Mastery +65 (wowhead link) or Haste +50 (wowhead link)
PvP -Haste +50 (wowhead link)

PvE -Crit +65 (wowhead link) or Int +50 (wowhead link)
PvP -SP +70 (wowhead link)

PvE -Power Torrent (wowhead link) or Hurricane (wowhead link)
PvP -Hurricane (wowhead link)

PvE & PvP -Superior Int (wowhead link)

Arcane Mage:

Arcane Spec

In PvE Arcane <Single Target> , you shall find 3 phases:

Phase 1 "Burning Phase"
Cast AB (wowhead link) 4x.
After you do so , use your Mana Gem , Use your trinkets and AP (wowhead link) and Burst your target with AB (wowhead link) untill your mana Pool reaches 35%.
Phase 1 Ends here.

Phase 2 "The Regeneration Phase"
Cast Evocation (wowhead link) to get back to 100% mana.
Phase 2 Ends after Evo.

Phase 3 "The Conservation Phase"
Cast Flame Orb (wowhead link) on CD.
Cast AB (wowhead link) 1 to 3 times (depending on Clearcasting (wowhead link)) and clear the stacks with Arcane Missiles (wowhead link) (if active) / Arcane Barrage (wowhead link).
Your main objective now is to stay above 90 or 95% mana. Stay in this phase until Evocation (wowhead link) is almost ready for use again.

Glyphs PvE Arcane:
Prime:Mage Armor ; Arcane Missiles ;Arcane Blast
Major:Arcane Power (wowhead link) ; Evocation ; Blink (wowhead link)
Minor:Armors (wowhead link) ; Arcane Brilliance ; Slow Fall

Stats Priority as PvE Arcane:
Intellect > Spell Hit Cap (17%) > Mastery > Crit > Haste

Gemming PvE Arcane:
Meta Sock: Burning SS Diamond or Ember SS Diamond
Yellow Sock: Reckless ET orArtful ET
Blue Sock:Veiled Demonseye
Red Sock:Brilliant Infernos

In PvE Arcane <AoE Situations> :
Leave the job to other Mages/Classes.

In PvP Arcane:

There's no "rotation" in PvP as you start kiting and create your own playstyle for each and every class. I do preffer Casting 1 FB (wowhead link) and use 1-2 AB (wowhead link) and start running around as i do my Kiting.

Stats Priority as PvP Arcane:
Intellect > Spell Hit Cap (5%) > Haste > Mastery > Crit & Spell Penetration (Spell Penetration is a great stat . I like capping myself , that means ~ 220 spell pen)

Glyphs PvP Arcane:
Prime:Arcane Barrage ; Arcane Blast; Arcane Missiles
Major:Invisibility ; Evocation ; Blink (wowhead link)
Minor:Mirror Images ; Slow Fall ; Armors (wowhead link)

Gemming PvP Arcane:
Meta Sock:Destructive SS Diamond or Forlorn SS Diamond or Fleet SS Diamond
Red Sock:Brilliant Infernos
Blue Sock:Solid OS (wowhead link) or Timeless DE (wowhead link)
Yellow Sock: Reckless ET or Forceful DE

Fire Mage:

Fire Spec PvE

There ain't a "special" rotation for Fire Mages, i usually start my combat with a damn long Pyro (wowhead link) put LB (wowhead link) up , stacking it up with Crit Mass (wowhead link) from the Pyro (wowhead link) i casted before , but i usually cast a Scorch (wowhead link) , i'm kinda lucky and i get crits. This is where i cast my Combustion (wowhead link).Cast Flame Orb (wowhead link) on CD.

For those that do not know , Combustion (wowhead link) is the Fire mage skill with a 2min CD.It has an interesting mechanism ... I'll try to explain it so you understand - :

Your LB (wowhead link) is ticking for 2400 every 3 sec , that makes 800 dps.
Your Hot Streak (wowhead link) is active , you cast your instant Pyro (wowhead link) and it's DoT is ticking for 6000 every 3 sec , that means 2000 dps.
That Pyro (wowhead link) was a crit and Ignite (wowhead link) is up on your target , ticking for 1000 every 2 sec. That is 500 dps.

This is the ideal time to use Combustion (wowhead link).Combustion (wowhead link) would tick for 3300 damage per sec for 11 sec.
(Please Note: these numbers are completely made up)

Glyphs PvE Fire:
Prime:Fireball ; Pyro ; Molten Armor or LB [If your Crit ain't high enough , you can change your Pyro glyph with LB one , as you'd like to do mawr and MAWR dmg when you start]
Major:Blast Wave ; Dragon's Breath ; Evocation
Minor:Mirror Images ; Slow Fall ; Armors (wowhead link)

Stats Priority as PvE Fire:
Intellect > Spell Hit Cap(17%) > Haste = Crit > Mastery.
As a fire mage you should take in consideration the fact that the more Crit you have , the more your Hot Streak (wowhead link) shall trigger. That means more Dps.
And the more Haste you have , ... you get it .. more cast --> more crits --> A lot more dps. =)
Try Capping Hit First then go for Haste & Crit , try getting them up BOTH , at the same time.

Gemming PvE Fire :
Meta Sock: Burning SS Diamond
Blue Sock:Veiled Demonseye
Red Sock:Brilliant Infernos
Yellow Sock:Potent ET or Reckless ET

In AoE Situations as a fire mage you have to follow those steps :
1.Try Kepping LB (wowhead link) on 3-6 targets.
2.Use Flamestrike (wowhead link) and Blast Wave (wowhead link)
3.When your Impact (wowhead link) is up , use Combustion (wowhead link).
4.If you run low on Mana , use scorch.
5.Laugh at all the other classes for being newbs with their low dps.

As a PvP Fire Mage you have a little more survivability compared to the last Patch but being a Fire Mage is still a hard job in PvP , i admire and /respect all those who take this path in PvP as they are always in Tops.

Stats Priority as PvP Fire:

I.Spell Hit Cap(~5%) > Spell Pen(~220rating) > Crit (to 28%) > Int > Mastery > Haste

II.Spell Hit Cap(~5%) > Spell Pen(~220rating) > Int > Crit > Mastery > Haste

There are 2 Paths because it depends on the way you like to play.If you like the Burst , go with the Crit .. If you enjoy a harassing your enemies , go with Int.

Crit :
Crit has 2 caps:
23% for the "soft" one(This will give you 100% crit chance with Pyro (wowhead link) on a frozen target (5% glyph & 5% critical mass).
And the other cap is 28% which is your "burst" cap(This will give you 100% crit chance on a frozen target with all spells if Crit Mass (wowhead link) is applied). Over 28% is a waste int overtakes crit as WAY better stat... I usually stop at pumpin crit at 27% and put the rest in Int.

Mastery - Mastery will be reforged to crit, regardless of your current crit rate.

Haste - Worthless, even the 5% for combustion and 7.5% soft cap for the extra LB (wowhead link)/Pyro (wowhead link)tick will buy you basically nothing. Reforge to crit.

Glyphs Fire PvP:
Prime:Pyro ; Molten Armor ; LB
Major:Dragon's Breath ; Evocation ; Polymorph
Minor:Mirror Images ; Slow Fall ; Armors (wowhead link)

Gemming as Fire PvP:
Meta:Chaotic SS Diamond or Burning SS Diamond
Yellow:Potent ET or Smooth AJ (wowhead link) or Jagged DE (wowhead link)
Red:Brilliant Infernos
Blue:Timeless DE (wowhead link) or Jagged DE (wowhead link)

Frost Mage:

Now some of you , will laugh at me but i do like the Frost PvE Spec : PvE Spec. I do not have to say much about it but for those that do not know , it sure Does have a Nice Big@$$ Burst.

Stat Priority as Frost PvE:
Spell hit (~17%) > Int > Crit(~34% in raids) > Haste > Mastery

As rotation you can spam Frostbolt (wowhead link).When your FoF (wowhead link) are up use DF (wowhead link) as soon as possible , if it's on CD , cast Icelance (wowhead link). When Brain Freeze (wowhead link) is active, cast FFB (wowhead link) as it'll be instant and it'll also benefit from FoF (wowhead link).
A good way to start an encounter is using your Pet's Frostnova -->2xFoF (wowhead link) you'll gain a stack of FoF (wowhead link).

Glyphs Frost PvE:
Prime:Molten Armor ; Ice Lance ; DF
Major:Blink ; Ice Barrier ; Evocation
Minor:Mirror Images ; Slow Fall ; Armors (wowhead link)

Gemming As Frost PvE:
Meta:Burning SS Diamond
Yellow:Potent ET or Reckless ET
Red:Brilliant Infernos
Blue:Veiled DE

And Finally ... Frost Mage PvP =):
You can try this spec Frost PvP1.
It's a viable talent spec with middle burst and passive skills that help you in combat.

Or this one Frost PvP2.
Frost spec with cool burst and LOADS of stuns due to Impact (wowhead link).

And Finally Frost PvP3.
Extraordinary frost spec with huge burst!

Glyphs As Frost PvP:
Prime:FFB ; Ice Lance ; Frostbolt
Major:Icy Veins ; Ice Barrier ; Evocation
Minor:Mirror Images ; Slow Fall ; Armors (wowhead link)

Stats Priority as Frost PvP:
Spell Hit(~4%) > Spell Pen(~220) > Int > Crit(~17% otherwise your shatter will never come off) > Haste/Mastery

Gemming as Frost PvP:
Meta:Chaotic SS Diamond
Red:Brilliant Infernos
Yellow:Smooth Amberjewel or Potent ET
Blue gem:Jagged DE

Add-ons for Mages:
Omen Threat
Power Auras
Scrolling BT
Rating Buster
Live Damage

This Is my Guide for M.A.G.E. Rollers!!!
Enjoy =)

Rosu Aprins

Last edited by Ashrak on 31-10-2011, 13:57:01; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 21:38:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

GG! good guide !
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 21:39:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

un tutorial foarte bun,bine explicat gg

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 21:43:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Frumos tutorial, felicitari.
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[EL Psy Congroo]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 21:50:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nice nice ')
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[Mentally unStable]

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Post Posted: 27-10-2011, 21:58:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I ask u just 1 thing, why u didnt put talent point in Improved Fire Blast (wowhead link)?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-10-2011, 06:18:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ovidiu_2311 wrote:
I ask u just 1 thing, why u didnt put talent point in Improved Fire Blast (wowhead link)?

If your talking about PvE Fire ... it's made by me , dunno if you ever tried or seen some things but using Blast Wave under your target usually gives you Impact ... so why use 2 points when i can use 1 point and get my impact and keep it till i want my Hot Streak to Proc =).

Rosu Aprins

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-09-2012, 15:28:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Can you upload the talent spec of frost mage pve and pvp somewhere else please? WoWHead not working for me :S It shows me warlock sh*t

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