
[MC] Freakz Weekly Building Competition: Season 4 - 12th Edition - *SEASON FINALE*
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[MC Freakz Staff]

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Post Posted: 08-05-2015, 18:58:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

MC.FREAKZ.RO - Freakz Weekly Building Competition
- SEASON 4 -


Tema saptamanii: Piata || Durata editiei: 15 OCTOMBRIE - 21 OCTOMBRIE

Mc.Freakz.Ro organizeaza Freakz Weekly Building Competition, un concurs de construit care se adreseaza tuturor jucatorilor care doresc sa isi demonstreze talentul la construit. Saptamanal vom lansa o tema pe baza careia veti putea construi pe server. Puteti ajunge la locul pentru construit folosind comanda /FWBC in HUB. In fiecare sambata a saptamanii (sau vineri, dupa cum ne e posibil) vom evalua constructiile si vom alege un castigator. Premiile vor fi calculate in functie de ploturile valide de pe lume (afla mai jos ce inseamna un plot valid). Premierile vor fi publicate (doar in romana) si pe . Dupa premiere toate ploturile vor fi resetate, dand astfel posibilitatea si celor care nu au prins un plot sa participe la urmatoarea editie.

PREMIILE editiei curente:
  • BONUS: VIP sau upgrade la accesul de donator!
  • 80.000 $
  • 2 spawnere
  • Reputatie*

Puteti dona reputatie pentru castigator. Reputatia va fi oferita castigatorului editiei curente, iar cei care au donat vor primi prefixul CONTRIBUTOR la FWBC pe durata editiei urmatoare.

Pentru a dona trimiteti 5 reputation points sub forma de [+] cu urmatorul text: [FWBC-Donatie NUME] catre mine, NewBest. In loc de NUME puneti numele vostru de pe server!
Puteti trimite si mai mult, si mai putin, dar 5 este minim pentru titlul CONTRIBUTOR.
Asigurati-va ca nu schimbati textul de mai sus! Daca acesta nu corespunde indicatiilor veti pierde reputatia trimisa.

5 REPUTATION POINTS vor fi oferite de conducerea serverului.

CASTIGATORUL ultimei editii: FlameFury

  1. Odata ce ati cumparat un plot aveti obligatia sa construiti pe el! Ploturile cumparate si lasate libere vor si resetate! Cumparati plotul doar cand sunteti pregatiti sa faceti constructia (sau macar sa o incepeti), nu luati un plot acum si lasati constructia pe maine, caci este posibil sa fie resetat! Daca observam ca ati inceput constructia nu vom reseta plotul.
  2. Nu construiti PIXELART-uri! Acestea nu vor fi premiate.
  3. Constructiile obscene sunt interzise! Sanctiunile vor fi aplicate conform regulamentului, detinatorului plotului!
  4. Nu se vor acorda premii constructiilor care nu respecta tema data.
  5. Premiile se acorda detinatorului plotului, nu celor cu allow. Daca doresc, ei isi pot imparti castigul dupa.
  6. 12 editii consecutive alcatuiesc un sezon. Intre doua sezoane se ia o pauza de 3 saptamani in care puteti construi orice fara a se face premiere.

Intrebari frecvente:
  1. Cum pot ajunge cel mai repede la ploturi?
    R: Cel mai repede poti ajunge folosind comanda /FWBC cand va aflati in HUB.

  2. Ce este un plot valid?
    R: Un plot valid este un plot care contine o constructie conform regulamentului si in acord cu tema data.

  3. Unde pot afla anunturi despre concurs?
    R: In acest topic.

  4. Unde pot pune intrebari sau trimite sugestii?
    R: In acest topic.

  5. Cate ploturi sunt disponibile la fiecare editie?
    R: Sunt disponibile un total de 80 de ploturi.

  6. Cum iau un plot? Trebuie s ama inscriu pentru a participa?
    R: Inscrierea NU este necesara! Mergi pe plotul care iti place, scrie comanda /plot claim si poti incepe sa construiesti! Plotul tau va fi inclus automat in concurs.

  7. Cate ploturi pot avea?
    R: Poti avea doar un plot la fiecare editie.

  8. Ce dimensiuni are plotul?
    R: Plotul este 45x45.

  9. Exista vreo taxa de participare?
    R: Pentru a bloca spamul de orice fel am impus o taxa de 1000$ la cumpararea plotului (va trebui achitata la fiecare editie). Daca sunteti nou pe server, veti acumula suma respectiva in 20 de minute petrecute pe server (500$ din start, 250$ la 10 minute). Taxa nu va fi returnata.

  10. La cate editii pot participa?
    R: Indiferent daca castigi sau pierzi, poti participa la oricate editii doresti!

  11. Avem gamemode creative la acest concurs?
    R: Da, concursul se desfasoara pe gamemode creative!

  12. Pot face cerere de builder pentru o constructie de la acest concurs?
    R: Nu.

  13. Cum ma pot conecta la server?
    R: Poti gasi un launcher cracked de Minecraft aici. Tot acolo poti gasi si un tutorial care sa te ajute sa te conectezi la server.


This week's topic: Market || Duration of this edition: 15 OCTOBER - 21 OCTOBER

Mc.Freakz.Ro organizes Freakz Weekly Building Competition, a building competition addressing to all players who want to show their building talent. Weekly we will give you a topic, and you will be able to build on the server starting from that topic. You can reach the building area using /FWBC in the HUB. Every Saturday (or Friday, depending on our schedule) we will rate the plots, choosing the winner. The prizes will depend on the number of valid plots available (find out below what is a valid plot). The premiers will also be published (only in romanian) on . After each premiere all the plots will be reset, giving the possibility to the ones who didn't get a plot to participate to the next edition.

This edition's PRIZES:
  • BONUS: VIP or rank upgrade!
  • 80.000 $
  • 2 spawners
  • Reputation*

You can donate reputation for the winner. It will be given to the winner of the current edition, and those who donated will get the prefix CONTRIBUTOR in the FWBC world for the week of the next edition.

To donate send 5 reputation points in the form of [+] with the following text: [FWBC-Donatie NAME] to me, NewBest. Replace NAME with the name you are using on the server!
You can send more or less reputation, but 5 is the minimum for the title CONTRIBUTOR.
Make sure you don't change the text above! If it doesn't follow the indications you will lose the sent reputation.

5 REPUTATION POINTS will be granted by the server's staff.

WINNER of the last edition: FlameFury

  1. Once you bought a plot you MUST build on it! We will reset all the empty plots! Only buy the plot when you are prepared to make the building (or at least to start building), don't buy a plot now and leave the building for later, because it might be reset! If we notice that you own a plot and you haven't started building on it, we will reset it.
  2. Do not build any PIXELARTS. They won't be awarded.
  3. Any obscene buildings are not allowed. The owner of the respective plot will be sanctioned if we find such buildings.
  4. Buildings that aren't related to the topic won't be awarded.
  5. The prizes will be given to the plot owner, not to his helpers. They can split the earnings afterwards.
  6. 12 consecutive editions form one season. Between two seasons there will be a 3 week break in which you can build anything without any judging taking place.

  1. How can I get to these plots?
    A: The fastest way is by using /FWBC when you are in the HUB.

  2. What is a valid plot?
    A: A valid plot is a plot containing a building following both the rules and the topic.

  3. Where can I find the latest announcements regarding the competition?
    A: In this topic.

  4. Where can I ask questions or submit suggestions?
    A: In this topic.

  5. How many plots are available on every edition?
    A: There are 80 available plots.

  6. How can I get a plot? Should I register to participate?
    A: No additional registration is required! Go to the plot you like, type /plot claim and you can start building! Your plot will automatically join the competition.

  7. How many plots can I own?
    A: You can have only one plot each edition.

  8. What's the size of the plots?
    A: The plots are 45x45.

  9. Is there any additional participation tax?
    A: To block any kind of spam we have added a 1000$ tax when buying the plot (you will have to pay it on every edition). If you are new, you will get that sum of money in 20 minutes (500$ from the beginning, 250$ every 10 minutes). You won't be able to recover the money spent on the tax.

  10. How many editions can I participate to?
    A: No matter if you win or lose, you can participate to as many editions as you like.

  11. Do we have gamemode creative at this competition?
    A: Yes, you do!

  12. Can I request the builder rank for a building from this competition?
    A: No.

  13. How can I join the server?
    A: You can find a cracked Minecraft launcher here. To connect, enter the game, go to Multiplayer and use the address (DNS)

Va puteti posta propunerile si intrebarile in acest topic!
You can post your suggestions and questions in this topic!

Last edited by NewBest on 15-10-2017, 15:34:45; edited 93 times in total
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[MC Freakz Staff]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2015, 13:34:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)






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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-05-2015, 22:59:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cand alegeti castigatorul?
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[MC Freakz Staff]

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Post Posted: 08-06-2015, 17:05:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


LOCUL I: Xorjt
LOCUL II: Michou

MENTIUNEA I: FlamingFury

Screen-shot castigator:

Tema urmatoarei editii: Camping

Mai multe detalii legate de premii si durata editiei gasiti in primul post!

Locurile 2 si 3 au primit un premiu de 25.000$ respectiv 15.000$. Il rog pe Xorjt sa imi trimita PM in termen de 3 zile pentru a-si revendica premiul. Daca nu o face, premiul se va reporta pentru editia urmatoare!
Va asteptam cu constructiile si urmatoarea editie! Multa bafta!

Last edited by NewBest on 21-06-2015, 01:50:12; edited 6 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-06-2015, 11:39:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

M-ai se anunta castigatorul editiei pe tema campingului?
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[MC Freakz Staff]

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Post Posted: 15-06-2015, 17:25:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


LOCUL I: Hellsing
LOCUL III: neutron


Screen-shot castigator:

Tema urmatoarei editii: Luna

Mai multe detalii legate de premii si durata editiei gasiti in primul post!

Locurile 2 si 3 au primit un premiu de 25.000$ respectiv 15.000$. Il rog pe Hellsing sa imi trimita PM in termen de 3 zile pentru a-si revendica premiul. Daca nu o face, premiul se va reporta pentru editia urmatoare!
Va asteptam cu constructiile si urmatoarea editie! Multa bafta!

Last edited by NewBest on 21-06-2015, 01:49:56; edited 2 times in total
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[MC Freakz Staff]

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Post Posted: 21-06-2015, 01:44:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


LOCUL II: ododod
LOCUL III: Hellsing


Screen-shot castigator:

Tema urmatoarei editii: Plaja

Mai multe detalii legate de premii si durata editiei gasiti in primul post!

Locurile 2 si 3 au primit un premiu de 25.000$ respectiv 15.000$. BogdanZED, sa ma contactezi pentru cele 2 spawnere!
Va asteptam cu constructiile si urmatoarea editie! Multa bafta!

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Ann Neutron

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Post Posted: 27-06-2015, 21:21:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Așteptãm rezultatele de la FWBC IV -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2015, 15:45:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Si inca asteptam rezultatele!!
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2015, 17:46:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

O sa aflam si rezultatele , calm! -
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[MC Freakz Staff]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2015, 20:50:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


LOCUL I: neutron
LOCUL II: Hellsing


Screen-shot castigator:

Tema urmatoarei editii: Cusca de hamster

Mai multe detalii legate de premii si durata editiei gasiti in primul post!

Locurile 2 si 3 au primit un premiu de 25.000$ respectiv 15.000$. neutron, sa ma contactezi pentru cele 2 spawnere!
Va asteptam cu constructiile si urmatoarea editie! Multa bafta!

Last edited by NewBest on 06-07-2015, 22:07:30; edited 2 times in total
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Ann Neutron

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Post Posted: 28-06-2015, 21:01:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wow -
Mersi :3

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2015, 21:15:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

O casa patrata pe 4 bete cu jungla si leagan langa apa castiga un concurs cu tema "plaja"
Presupun ca la concursu asta "creativitate" inseamna baga-ti .... in ea de tema si castigi - Doamne fereste pe ce sv joc , pana acum 10 minute am crezut ca e sv bun , am crezut !

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Ann Neutron

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Post Posted: 28-06-2015, 21:26:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- Invidie ,pur și simplu invidie ,atât tot :3

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2015, 21:31:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Neutron imi pare rau pt ce am zis mai sus - , nu inteleg nici acum dc am zis aia probabil nervi . Inca odata sper sa ma ierti pt ce am zis mai sus ! -

Last edited by Mibo on 29-06-2015, 01:52:01; edited 1 time in total
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