
[Mage][PvP] Mirror Image

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Post Posted: 19-10-2013, 17:59:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description:-
Mirror Image:
Cand se apropie in malee range ele dau fire blast(nu am testat)
Cand dai cc pe target ele ar trebuii sa se opreasca din castat -not working
- Copy also the same stats and buffs as you have (so if you arcane power, they will be affected by arcane power, too)

.be -Fara arcane power

CU ARCANE POWER:Nu apare nici vizual buffu,nici dmg increase


- They attack same target as you, and follow you always - the only way they behave, and only way to control them -Ataca doar targetul pe care ai dat prima data
Dovada / Proof:-

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link:
Descrierea bugului / Bug description:-
Mirror Image:
Casting Fire Blast while in melee range (not tested)
When CCing a target they should stop casting -not working
- Copy also the same stats and buffs as you have (so if you arcane power, they will be affected by arcane power, too)

.be -Without arcane power

WITH ARCANE POWER:The visual isn't shown and neither is the dmg increase.


- They attack same target as you, and follow you always - the only way they behave, and only way to control them They only attack your first target
Dovada / Proof:-

Last edited by david33 on 20-10-2013, 11:23:19; edited 2 times in total
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(since 08-12-2022 15:26)
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Post Posted: 23-10-2013, 16:14:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cand se apropie in malee range ele dau fire blast(nu am testat) -> am testat si MERGE

Cand dai cc pe target ele ar trebuii sa se opreasca din castat - MERGE cu urmatoarea nota/exceptie de la "Patch Changes" aka "The mirror images will no longer complete casts of Frostbolt on targets which are Polymorphed at the time their Frostbolt channel finishes." Problema voastra e ca target-ul vostru inamic ia poly cat timp frostbolt-ul e in aer si normal ca se sparge, cateodata 1 mirror image ramane in urma si i se decaleaza cast-ul fata de celelate 2 ( spre exemplu cat timp 2 mirror images se opresc din cast pentru ca target-ul a primit cc aia care a ramas in urma deja a terminat cast-ul si a lansat spell-ul in aer ) .

Copy also the same stats and buffs as you have (so if you arcane power, they will be affected by arcane power, too) - Ar trebui sa copieze 1/3 din spellpower-ul owner-ului ( asta te rog sa testezi tu, daca consideri ca dmg-ul este prea mic ) si sa fie afectate de Arcane Power dupa cum este mentionat aici si aici (wowhead link) partea asta in schimb NU MERGE .

They attack same target as you, and follow you always - the only way they behave, and only way to control them -Ataca doar targetul pe care ai dat prima data - Dovezi te rog altfel tind sa te contrazic cu asta ( "Mirror Images often do not attack the highest threat target when summoned and may also attack mobs not engaged in combat, but within range" ) si exemplu de comment (wowhead link) de pe wowhead cum ai dat si tu de altfel adica "Contrary to what has been said, they do not always attack the mob YOU are attacking. A good example of this is when my mirror images attacked Grand Widow Faerlina's adds before she was enraged. On first glimpse it looked to others like I was attacking the wrong target. Thankfully their dmg is low." . Ce pot sa iti spun totusi e ca ele totusi raman blocate pe target-ul initial si asta e bugged .

Per total din toata treaba postata de tine singura chestie valida si bugged pe baza careia iti pot confirma bug report-ul ramane "they will be affected by arcane power" . +Proof in plus de la mine sa sustina ce zici tu dmg @ mirror image cu arcane power vs. fara arcane power.

" you are "

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