
[Monk][Mistweaver] Overall healing for all of the spells are Lower than they should

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Post Posted: 18-05-2020, 20:05:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Looking at the logs a 976 Monks heals are Higher than my 985 Monk that has max conc and 985 items on all of the slots, If you compare all of the healing on this log for EACH Spell you can see that Average/Max Crit the GAP is so HUGE its insane, its like im playing a 930 MW monk from retail with 985 Gear
Proof: LOGS

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Post Posted: 18-05-2020, 21:12:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There are some things you might want to take in consideration when you are basically complaining about an overall heal or even dmg done/taken:
- buffs -> Let's say that you have all the buffs (including leech, buffs from other classes (mastery/veratility), ventus.
- debuffs -> Oh, debuffs, here you don't have any of those (Titanforged, Strength of the Sky).
- legos -> Let's say you are using the same legos.

You didn't provide any overall recount that should be from the same boss with the same fight duration.

In conclusion, you are missing all the debuffs, maybe some buffs and the above recount ^.

L.E: You might want to check the monk auras, the spells modifiers and maybe formula of each spell -> simc have all the info if you want to investigate on your own.

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Last edited by Flashmoo on 18-05-2020, 22:07:56; edited 2 times in total
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[Pandaren Ambassador]

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Post Posted: 18-05-2020, 22:58:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Edit: Some clarification since you seem to be missing my point, Im not talking about OVERALL HEALING FOR ALL THE SPELLS IN A SPECIFIC BOSS, Im talking about INDIVIDUAL SPELLS ARE HITTING LESS COMPARED TO RETAIL
Buffs: Doesnt matter even If i had the same buffs as Him why would his spells hit more than me
Debuffs: Im literally in the classhall what do you mean, and if He has debuffs (that make him do less healing?) and his spells are Healing more thats still a no brainer and def a BUG
Legos: Im literally wearing the same leggos as him

In conclution why would I need a recount if Im comparing individual spells and NOT TOTAL HEALING DONE ON A SPECIFIC BOSS USING Warcraft LOGS
HERE is a RETAIL LOG for VARIMATHRAS where it shows HIS INDIVIDUAL healing done FOR EACH Spell

I even said EACH spell on the report not TOTAL

Last edit: There is no way in this world that a fully donated Monk will have his renewing mists heal for 170k Crit

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Last edited by Vouchery on 18-05-2020, 23:40:01; edited 7 times in total
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