
[Monk][Talent] Rushing Jade Wind and Haste ticks

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Post Posted: 20-08-2016, 06:49:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: I. Rushing Jade Wind should have only 8 ticks until 28.40++ % haste.

Currently, with 0% haste at level 90, Rushind Jade Wind ticks 9 times.


Rushing Jade Wind should have 9 ticks ONLY if the player reaches more than 28.40% ~ haste. - ( Dracjin post. )
People have also tried to reach the nine tick number, but, without success if you are under 28.40% haste. -

II. Another problem is that the ticks aren't calculated exactly, even in their milliseconds.


With 15.93% haste ( 6,333 haste ) - The spell says the following: 5.11 seconds cooldown, 5.11 seconds duration, deals damage to all nearby enemies every 0.64 seconds.

Now, if we calculate:

5.11: 8 it will result into: 0.63875

    * 5.11 - being our spell duration
    * 8 being our ticks number
    * 0.64 being our number that explains how often the spell will hit

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