
Mounts Inventory list bugged - not showing majority of mounts regardless of ownage

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Post Posted: 01-04-2020, 17:27:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Bug description:

Hi so i've noticed after 7.3.5 update that my mounts list got screwed up in a way where it won't show many mounts that I own or even that I do not own as I have seen players posting reports of their mounts being gone (me included).

I've just tested this out with buying a new mount. As you can see on screenshot (1) the Swift Springstrider is now in my bag, while it can't be found on the mounts search even when "Not Collected" is still checked.

In screenshot (2) you can clearly see the mount has been learned and is still not appearing in the mount search, but it is there as you can see in the upper left corner the number of "total mounts" has changed from 141 to 142 after learning it, as further proof on screenshot (3) you can see the mount is categorized as "already known" which means it cannot be learned again, therefore it is there in the list, just not showing.

Also the new mounts are not the issue, I've noticed couple of old ones are missing as well as you can see in (4) the Steelbound Devourer is marked as "already known" but cannot be seen in the list as well.

I also did a few random mounts regardless of ownage to see if they would show so I tried the drakes of the 4 winds in screenshot (5) where only one of them appears to be on the list but the other 3 are missing from it, which means if I were to learn one of them they would not show and still be unusable like the rest of the ones you can't find on the list, also another mount I thought of the "Big Blizzard Bear" which I have purchased from the vote shop months ago is also deemed missing from it "screenshot (6)".

The mounts count when they are there, so it is not a matter of them being gone, the problem persists with the mount inventory not physically displaying them, rendering them unusable.

and no, deleting the cache and wtf folders as well as deleting addons does not fix the issue.

Proof: (1) ; (2) ; (3) ; (4) ; (5) ; (6)

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