
Neon Glow

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Author Message1334
[Banned user]


Status: Offline
(since 24-01-2010 19:39)
Joined: 23 Jan 2010
Posts: 21, Topics: 4
Location: Germany

Reputation: 46.7
Votes: 6

Post Posted: 23-01-2010, 21:29:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Creeati o imagine 300x100
Scrieti ce text vreti dumneavoastra cu culoarea neagra
Mergem in Layer -> Flatten Image
Apoi in Image -> Adjustment -> Invert
Apoi merge la Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur si setam radius 2.0
Apoi mergem in Filters -> Stylize -> Solarize
Apoi Image -> Adjustment -> Auto-Contrast
mergem in Filter>Stylize>Wind si selectam La direction From the
Right apoi repetam aceasta actiune si de data asta punem From the Left

mergeti in Image -> Adjustment -> Hue/Saturation ori apasti Ctrl+U si va alegeti culorile cum vrei dumneavoastra!

Rezultat :

D|oX|D este numele autorului:)

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