
[Paladin][PvP] Denounce

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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 19:59:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wowhead/WoW Freakz Link: Denounce
Descrierea bugului / Bug description:
nerolol wrote:
" Ca si Killing Machine,cand ai Denounce debuff iti reduce sansa de crit cu 100% si o reduce la baza.(Btw Recklessness are doar 50% increase nu 100%)
E.g Tu ai 5-10-15-20% crit chance,iti da increase de 50-100% din aura si faci 55-60-65-70% || 105-110-115-120%,denounce iti scade cu 100% si tot ramai la 5-10-15-20% chance sa dai crit.(in cazul la 100% modifier) "

"Denounce affects all spells that are talented, glyphed or just innately have a "increases crit chance" component,
For example, if you have a proc that says "Increases the chance for your next 'x' to critically hit by 100%" then Denounce will remove 100% crit chance restoring it to the base crit chance of the player.
On the other hand, if the spell proc or description says "Always critically hits" or "Guaranteed critical hit", then Denounce will not effect it as these do not actually modify crit chance but apply an automatic critical hit modifier. "

Judging by the way you described it in your posts, when I get a Killing Machine proc and I have Denounce on me, I should only have 6.16% crit chance left (which is, technically, my character's base crit chance). Now either it's bugged, or it's not supposed to work the way you described it, since 6 out of 6 of my spells still critted while I had Denounce on me, and i seriously doubt I was that lucky.

PS: at 0:59 I had no Denounce on me.

Dovada / Proof:


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Post Posted: 07-07-2014, 20:42:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Re-tested with KM procs and noticed that indeed it does not seem to apply the crit aura modifier, with the Denounce debuff Obliterate crits were 100% there each time.

Inca nu aplica aura de crit modifier, se poate testa usor cu un DK Frost si Killing Machine procs.

" you are "

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