
Personal Loot System Mechanics

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Post Posted: 26-08-2016, 00:28:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I was told to bug report this with sources after the conversation shown in the screenshot.

According to the GM, personal loot awards items based on raid size and has a fixed minimum of items rewarded. The example given was that personal loot rewards 2-5 items per raid group, depending on the raid size. However, the concept of raids with fixed minimums and awarding loot based on raid size was not introduced until 6.2, the final content patch of Warlords of Draenor. Prior to 6.2, personal loot was determined on a per-person basis and had no minimum floor or ceiling for the amount of items the raid received.

"First, rather than treating loot chances independently for each player—sometimes yielding only one or even zero items for a group—we’ll use a system similar to Group Loot to determine how many items a boss will award based on eligible group size."
- Source

This is the quote from the 6.2 dev watercooler explaining how personal loot was being changed from how it used to work, from its inception in Mists of Pandaria up until that point. This quote makes it clear that prior to 6.2, including during Mists of Pandaria, there is no fixed amount of loot and no minimum amount of items distributed - personal loot operates on a per-person basis, making it quite possible for the group to get one or zero items in a personal loot raid.

Here is another quote to that effect:

"Each player has a chance to win loot, independent of the other players."
- Source

Your loot chance is completely independent of other players and EACH PLAYER has a chance to win. If someone else wins an item, it doesn't affect your chances. If no one else wins an item, it doesn't affect your chances. It is possible for the entire raid to win an item off of a Flexible Raid or LFR boss.

The specific percentage chance to win an item was never revealed, but MMO-Champion ran several datamining efforts to determine what it was. I can find that data if you'd like.

The percentage chance to win an item was buffed in old content to speed up gearing, - (Source is Ghostcrawler's Twitter) e.g. when Throne of Thunder was current content, T14 LFR had an increased drop rate compared to when MoP first launched.


World Boss Drop Rates

Celestials - 21% item drop rate. The Celestial Treasure Box drops 79% of the time.
Nalak - 18% item drop rate. The Stormtouched Cache dropped 82% of the time.
Ordos - 15% item drop rate. The Flame-Scarred Cache of Offerings dropped 85% of the time.
Oondasta - 19% drop rate. The Shiny Pile of Refuse dropped 81% of the time.
Galleon - 17% item drop rate. The Marauder's Gleaming Sack of Gold dropped 83% of the time.

Raid Boss Drop Rates

Siege of Orgrimmar Raid Finder - 25% item drop rate. The Twisted Treasures of the Vale and Coalesced Turmoil drop 75% of the time.
Throne of Thunder Raid Finder (Pre Patch 5.4) - ~16% item drop rate. The Treasures of the Thunder King dropped ~84% of the time.
Siege of Orgrimmar Flex - 25% item drop rate. The Twisted Treasures of the Vale and Coalesced Turmoil drop 75% of the time.

- (Source) - Note that MMO-Champion percentages are determined through data aggregation, these figures are not "official", but they do represent live. I am currently trying to find sources for the 5.4 MSV, HOF, TOES, and TOT LFR personal loot drop rates.


Here is an earlier post mentioning the buff to each individual players' percentage chance in 5.0 raids using personal loot (which means LFR loot and bonus roll chances)

" Patch 5.0 Raid Finder - Dropped ~84% of the time before Patch 5.2. Now only drops 67.8% of the time (Std. Dev. 3.2%)
Throne of Thunder Raid Finder - Drops ~81% of the time (Std. Dev. 1.7%)
Keep in mind that the sample sizes we have for drop rates after Patch 5.2 are fairly small, only a few hundred kills of each boss in LFR difficulty, and only the first three bosses in Throne of Thunder.
We can assume that when a satchel does not drop, you are winning loot, as we don't save drop rates for bonus roll items. This means the drop rate of loot in Patch 5.0 raids went from 16% to 32%."
- Source

Notably, their early estimation for ToT LFR is above the final figure. The original drop rate in 5.2 for ToT LFR was ~16% as per the final dataset post-patch.

So the T14 LFR drop rate doubled to 32% in 5.2, while the newly introduced ToT LFR drop rate was 16% again. There is no mention of a buff to bonus roll chances.

The 5.4 patchnotes state:

"The chance for awarding loot from kills or bonus rolls has been increased for Mogu'shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring, and Throne of Thunder on Raid Finder difficulty."

So the only thing I'm certain of is that the drop rate in T14 and T15 was increased again, not by how much. All we know for sure is the figure for the world bosses, Siege LFR and Flex, which is provided above, and that the drop rate for T14 and T15 LFR is raised to be noticeably greater than 32% and 16% respectively. If I had to guess I'd say they raised it by 16% each again, as that provides a noticeable improvement without pushing it over 50% in T14, but that is just a guess.

The GM also stated that the bonus roll always gives an item. EDIT: It already presumably works like it's supposed to, just ambiguous phrasing in this message.

Apologies if this is in the wrong forum or if something is poorly explained.


Here is a TL;DR version of what should happen:

- A Flex or LFR group defeats a boss
- The game calculates whether each player won loot or not based on a percentage chance to win
- Winners receive spec-appropriate loot
- There is no limit on how many players can win loot
- There is no limit on a minimum amount of players winning loot - it may be that zero people win loot
- Each bonus roll that does not provide loot has a progressively better chance to award loot to the player

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