
Priest Discipline PvP

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Post Posted: 21-08-2013, 13:29:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Talents and Glyph: (glyph of despration is optional and can be raplaced for glyph of POM)
Stats: Int>Hit Cap(5%)>Spirit>Mastery/Haste>Crit
FW =
PS =
DP =
MC =
MB =
MS =

Spells: For healing, the priority is to use PWS, renew and POM on the target, then Penance and Flash heal (this one has an expensive mana cost), if both you and your arena partner are taking damage you should replace Flash heal with Binding heal
Dpriest have a large ammount of defencive CD: PS, DP and PWB, they should be used during enemy burst, remeber that DP heal is increased by Grace ( but it can only be used on yourself, another defencive CD is leap of faith (an ally death grip) it should be used if our ally is against melee and distant from us, also if the PWS is used on you it makes you immune to slwoing effects for 4 sec

With them we have some CD that can be used for defend ourselves or to attack the enemy: Power infusion make our spells faster, so it can be used for healing or for MB and MC, Inner focus give us the immunity to interrupt and silences for 4 sec, a very powerfull cd since it can be used to prevent our Flash heal, MB and MC to be interrupt, and the last is Psychic Scream, an istant fear that affect all enemy near us

The importance os SWD
SWD is very usefull and can make the difference in arena if you are fighting 2 dps, since it can interrupt the folowing CC: polymorph, seduction, blind and scaratted shot and repetance the first two are easy to counter, but the other two are really hard to predict, since they are istant, but they are caster when the hunter/rogue/paladin is coming near you since these spells don't have a long range
Macro: /cast [target=focus] Shadow Word: Death

The importance of MS
MS is usefull for:
Cancel effect like paladin bubble and mage ice block
hit a stealthed enemy making us enter in combat NOTE: if used against rogue it prevent us to be sapped, if used against an hunter camouflage end

We have 2 CC, Pyschic Scream, a fear of 6 sec (rember against a shaman 1/2 of ours fear are useless for tremor totem) and MC, this have a long cast time and must be use carefully, is true that is a 9 sec CC, but during this 9 sec you can't cast spell (you can always cancel the effect) but is used properly can cause a lot of troble, for exaple you can put an enemy in the Ring Of Frost of an enemy mage, or if you are controlling a melee (like an enha shaman) you can use it to hit the enemy

rember that dispels are really improtant for your partner, since it can nullify 60% of CC in wow and remebr to dispel powerfull debuffs like Combustion, be carefull: if you dispell Unstable afflyction you get 5sec silence, if you dispel vampiric touch 3 sec fear, rember: with remove disease you can dispel the devouring plague of Spriest, the slowing effect of Feral and the dots of Dk, dispels are also for offenisve use, dispelling buffs from enemy is really usefull

mana burn should be used againt healer, but be carefull of it's using, dude the long cast time it can be usally cast only if the enemy is CC or really distant from a pillar, rember: shaman have wind sear, paladin Rebuke and druid can change into bear form

Fake casts:
as all casters, a good priest should always be able to do fake casts in order to prevent his spells to be interrupted TIPS: against a mage/lock you can use inner focus after a fake cast since theyr interrupt also silence us.

Where to play in arenas:
as an healer you always need to hug pillars, kiting ranged

OOM: if you are out of mana, you have 2 cd; shadowfiend (can be used for damage too) and Hym of hope, rember if you are OOM casting PWS on the target that is reciving damage is a priority since Rapture make us regain 7% of our mana, after that the most usefull thing to do is go drinking covered by a pillar

As a Dpriest you need to help you partner to finish the enemy, using Mind spike, Mind blast, Holy fire and SWD (under 25%)

DoT: We have 2 dots, use them only if an enemy is going back in stealth or someone with low % is kiting making for us impossible to cast non-istant spells (they have both a large mana cost)

Armors: If melee hitting you=> Inner fire No melee hitting you => Inner will

Fear Ward: use it if a priest if coming near you or a walrock is casting fear against you (don't do it before cause it can be easly displled) if no1 in the arena can fear put it, is still a buff that require time to dispell

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