
Program raiduri 'Mad Dogs'

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Author Message531

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 08-04-2012 23:56)
Joined: 18 Oct 2010
Posts: 114, Topics: 46
Location: Romania

Reputation: 19.7
Votes: 12

Post Posted: 10-06-2011, 02:23:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vineri ora : 21:15 | 21:30 - IceCrown Citadel 25 Heroic (Raid 1)

Sambata ora : 21:15 | 21:30 - IceCrown Citadel 25 Heroic (Raid 2)

Duminica ora : 21:15 | 21:30 - The Ruby Sanctum 25 Heroic (Raid 1)

Duminica ora : 22:00 | 22:15 - The Ruby Sanctum 25 heroic (Raid 2)

Luni ora : 20:30 | ----- - The Ruby Sanctum 25 Normal (Raid 1)

Luni ora : 21:30 | 21:45 - IceCrown Citadel 25 Normal (Raid 1)

Marti ora : 20:30 | ----- - The Ruby Sanctum 25 Normal (Raid 2)

Marti ora : 21:30 | 21:45 - IceCrown Citadel 25 Normal (Raid 2)

Raidurile de icc10hc/n Rs10hc/n nu le programam cu o zi si o ora fixa, dar ele vor fi anuntate la gmotd cu 5 ore inainte de a se face.

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