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Author Message634

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 21-11-2017 17:34)
Joined: 01 May 2012
Posts: 81, Topics: 16
Location: Romania

Reputation: 117.1
Votes: 10

Post Posted: 24-01-2013, 17:27:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dragon Soul

Morchok [color=green]10n / 10h / 25n / 25h
Warlord Zon'ozz 10N / 10H / 25N / 25H
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 10N / 10H / 25N / 25H
Hagara the Stormbinder 10N / 10H / 25N / 25H
Ultraxion 10N / 10H / 25N / 25H
Warmaster Blackhorn 10N / 10H / 25N / 25H
Spine of Deathwing 10N / 10H / 25N / 25H
Madnes of Deathwing 10N / 10H / 25N / 25H


Beth'tilac 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Lord Rhyolith 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Alysrazor 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Shannox 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Baleroc, the Gatekeeper 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Majordomo Staghelm 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Ragnaros 10N / 10H / 25N /25H

Throne of the Four Winds

The Conclave of Wind 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Al'Akir 10N / 10H / 25N /25H

The Bastion of Twilight

Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Valiona & Theralion 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Ascendant Council 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Cho'gall Pending
Sinestra Pending

Blackwing Descent

Magmaw 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Omnotron Defense System 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Maloriak 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Atramedes 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Chimaeron 10N / 10H / 25N /25H
Nefarian Pending

Baradin Hold

Argaloth 10 / 25
Occu'thar 10 / 25
Alizabal 10 / 25


Blackrock Caverns 5n/5h
Deadmines 5n/5h
End Time 5n/5h
Grim Batol 5n/5h
Halls of Originations 5n/5h
Hour of Twiligth 5n/5h
Lost City of the Tol'vir 5n/5h
Shadowfang Keep 5n/5h
The Stonecore 5n/5h
Throne of the Tides 5n/5h
The Vortex Pinacle5n/5h
Well of Eternity 5n/5h
Zul'Aman 5n/5h
Zul'Gurub 5n/5h

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