
PvE raid lockouts - open discussion
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Which version do you like better?
1) Current version - no modifications, no binds on normal/heroic at all with constant progress reset
 40%  [ 66 ]
2) Old Cata/MoP version - permanent binds with the same group and nobody else (like Mythic raids)
 60%  [ 99 ]
Total Votes : 165

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-04-2018, 13:07:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

EDIT: I didn't realize this topic had more than 1 page (I didn't see the page counter) and now I noticed this idea was already proposed.

so you can ignore the rest of my post -

why not the option to do both?

I don't know about legion, but old expansions had the option to "reset instance" for some dungeons.

would it be possible to implement the ID as described in #2 but give the player the option to remove his ID if he wants? basically allowing for both #1 and #2 to be valid systems.

this seems like a solution that would please everybody and at the same time it doesn't really change that much coding-wise (I assume) from having to implement #2

to expand on this:

I think a nice idea would be to store "raid run" ids somewhere and have characters bound to one of those ID. at any point a player can un-bound his character from the ID so that he can join a raid group with a new ID (or an old ID that he wants to join)

this can be done in 2 ways:

Alternative 1: (I've already seen this in other expansions so I think it should be possible to do)
1.a- whenever you enter a raid without an ID, a new ID is generated and everybody is bound to that ID
1.b- at any point any player can unbound his character without any consequences for other players
1.c- if you have an ID and are the first person entering the raid, you will enter in that saved "raid run" (which will be missing some bosses)
1.d- if you have an ID and enter in a raid that has already an ID you will be asked if you want to lose your ID and be bound to the current one

Alternative 2: (my personal favourite)
2.a- implement some type of command to bind yourself to a specific ID

2.b- you enter a new raid, a message tells you "new raid id created: 123456"
2.c- this id will last until the next reset
2.d- at any point, any character can use the new implemented command (eg: .raidid 123456) to bind yourself to that ID
2.e- enter the raid and start from where you left off

both alternative have their pros and cons, but ultimately the final result is that both options asked in this poll can coexist, making the experience best suited for both types of players (PUGs and Guilds)

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Post Posted: 10-04-2018, 22:18:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
It seems there are a lot of controversial oppinions unfortunately - we'll keep this topic open for a few more days to see more reactions
WarningG wrote:
For example, we can leave "LOOT CD". Add "RAID CD" and give to all ppl command to reset "RAID CD".
This might actually be a good idea, binding everyone to a specific lockout but also allowing everyone to reset their lockout if they really want that

P.S.: I initially forgot to mention (but you probably already know this): with the old mop system you will be able to invite NEW players to your current lockout if they don't have any CD yet, you just won't be able to invite players with different lockouts.

I find this to be the best option, I myself raid with 2 guilds atm and I have my main progression group and my friends guild, and this will basically a win win for everyone,

Option 2 will kill all PUG raids,
Option that was mentioned will basically:
1. Still make Pugs happen
2. Loot CD will still be a thing so no abuse will happen and Idk if im alone here but Well be able to still help out Lower guilds and/or your friends
3. This will make lower guilds Happy because they wont have to kill the bosses over and over again just to get a specific boss

I feel like this would be the best option rather than the 2 that was offered above.

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Post Posted: 12-04-2018, 18:48:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1st option
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-04-2018, 14:47:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I vote for the third option that WarningG pitched in, let us have loot cds so loot remains fair once per boss per week but also give us resetable raid ids. So we can choose to save progress for guilds, or to wipe it when joining a pug group. Because neither option 1 or 2 will help smaller guilds.

"For example, we can leave "LOOT CD". Add "RAID CD" and give to all ppl command to reset "RAID CD"."

Option 1: meaning lower end guilds who are trying to progress through the last few bosses in NH have to kill all the bosses to do guldan every single raid night even tho they might not get loot, you can see how tiring that becomes.
Option 2: pugging will be a nightmare experience, cause honestly no one wants to waste their weekly lockout and even guild runs in smaller guilds will get affected

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Post Posted: 13-04-2018, 20:17:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Since there are so many opinions and the vote is quite balanced, it seems the 3rd option is the best solution: use permanent binds for normal and heroic too (so they can continue the same raid in different days) AND allow players to reset the permanent bind for normal and heroic (if they can't/won't join the same initial raid on another day and want to start a new one).

We will do this, not sure when, hopefully very soon

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