
[REJECTED] Advanced chat channel usage

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Post Posted: 13-03-2021, 17:33:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name: Faust

Bug description:
1. When you create a new channel with command /join channel-name you are automatically assigned as owner of that channel. When you log out the ownership goes to another random player in the channel that is online or to no one if no other players in that channel are online. This happens to a moderator (if you assign a player to be the moderator, if they log out, they lose that role).
2. Also regarding channels -> if you set a password to a channel using the command -> /password channel-name password (you can do this before you log out cuz you still have the ownership) -> you will always be asked for the password of the channel when you relog (it should happen only when you first join a channel that has a password assigned to it).

Why do I think channels are needed?:
1. They might partially replace the communities that exist on Retail for different kind of activites - M+ - Pugs & High Keys, Raids - PUGs and Mythic push when no groups available in own guild, PVP.
2. Can also be used to create more helpful channels in which people can learn, discuss on different topics and so on. These channels can be created right now as well, but can't have any moderation (except for GMs probably). Having the ability to stop people from spamming or being toxic can sometimes be helpful in these kinds of scenario.

I understand that this bug will most likely be treated with low-priority, but I just wanted to put it out there so that in the near or distant future it might get looked into and fixed.


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Post Posted: 23-03-2021, 20:55:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well we might look at it at certain point in future, but yea it is quite low on the prio list. anyways thanks for suggestion.
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