
[REJECTED] Artifact hidden colour lost after restart

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Post Posted: 05-01-2019, 16:20:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: -
Bug description: After restart, I have lost my artifact hidden colour (pvp one)

Edit: My hour is 1 less than the server one, that's why in the second screenshot the hour is 15:17

Pd: Sorry for my english, I am not native

Staff message (LethalFactorLK):
will be fixed, generally

"Incluso si el Reino del Caos se vaciara y todas sus huestes se alzaran contra mí, aun si los propios Dioses del Caos caminasen por este mundo, desenvainaría mi espada y me interpondría en su camino. Como Caballero Gris, no puedo hacer menos."
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