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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-05-2015, 22:10:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Banquet of the Brew /10 people -testat , nu functioneaza
Banquet of the Grill /10 people
Banquet of the Oven /10 people
Banquet of the Pot /10 people
Banquet of the Steamer /10 people
Banquet of the Wok /10 people
Great Banquet of the Brew /25 people
Great Banquet of the Grill /25 people
Great Banquet of the Oven /25 people
Great Banquet of the Pot /25 people
Great Banquet of the Steamer /25 people
Great Banquet of the Wok /25 people
Pandaren Banquet /10 people -testat , nu functioneaza
Great Pandaren Banquet /25 people -testat , nu functioneaza

Bug description: Pui Banquetul jos ,obiectul apare apoi ...
In primul rand cand dai click dreapta pe Banquet , NU se intampla absolut nimic,niciun buff,nu te asezi jos,nimic.
In al doilea rand Banquet-ul dureaza aprox 10 stiu cat ar trebui sa dureze,dar nu cred ca 10 ai timp nici sa iti dai seama unde il pune in timpul raidului . EDIT : lam testat inca odata,a fost greseala mea,durata e corecta,a disparut repede pentru ca am apasat de 10 ori pe el
Am pus toate banchetele la linkuri pentru ca eu cred ca toate au acelasi bug .
Proof: Nu stiu cum as putea pune o dovada la asta .

Cum ar trebui sa se dea stats depinde ce stat esti principal :

Banquet of the Brew /10 people ///// Great Banquet of the Brew /25 people
Strength - 250
Agility - 250
Spirit - 250
Intellect - 250
Stamina - 375

Banquet of the Wok /10 people ///// Great Banquet of the Wok /25 people :
Strength - 250
Agility - 275 (bonus 25)
Spirit - 250
Intellect - 250
Stamina - 375

Banquet of the Oven /10 people ///// Great Banquet of the Oven /25 people :
Strength - 250
Agility - 250
Spirit - 250
Intellect - 250
Stamina - 415 (bonus 40)

Banquet of the Pot /10 people ///// Great Banquet of the Pot /25 people :
Strength - 250
Agility - 250
Spirit - 250
Intellect - 275 (bonus 25)
Stamina - 375

Banquet of the Steamer /10 people ///// Great Banquet of the Steamer /25 people :
Strength - 250
Agility - 250
Spirit - 275 (bonus 25)
Intellect - 250
Stamina - 375

Banquet of the Grill /10 people / Great Banquet of the Grill /25 people :
Strength - 275 (bonus 25)
Agility - 250
Spirit - 250
Intellect - 250
Stamina - 375

Pandaren Banquet combine toate bonusurile :
Pandaren Banquet /10 people ///// Great Pandaren Banquet /25 people
Strength - 275
Agility - 275
Spirit - 275
Intellect - 275
Stamina - 415

Last edited by Stormillidan on 22-05-2015, 07:37:05; edited 3 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-05-2015, 15:27:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Am mai testat odata durata la banquet of the brew,pare sa fie in regula,a disparut repede pentru ca am apasat de 10 ori pe el de unu singur.
Insa bugul de stats ramane .

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-05-2015, 07:35:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Testat Pandaren Banquet si Great Pandaren Banquet,nu functioneaza
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[Retired Veteran]

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Post Posted: 31-12-2015, 02:33:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tested some of the items and they work.
Spawnable and applying the food/drink buffs when clicked.
If some of them are still bugged please remake the topic.

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