
[REJECTED] Creeperclaw Broadaxe

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Post Posted: 24-12-2017, 00:29:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz item link:

Bug description: As we can all see, this item is "Binds when equipped". Now, it's a known fact that druids are unable to use Axes. So, there is no chance of my druid ever having a soulbound Creeperclaw Broadaxe, right? Wrong! I found a guy asking to buy this item, so I wanted to trade it to him. When I did, I found out it was soulbound, when it isn't supposed to be.... because it's BOE and I'm a druid, who can't equip it, ever. There's 10k gold lost.

Now, the GM says that it's a bug and I should report it. But even if the bug is fixed, It's safe to assume that I'm still screwed, right?


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