
[REJECTED] [Death Knight] [PvP TALENT] [Crypt Fever] vs Combat (peapole see this topic and Decide)

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 06-11-2019 07:31)
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Post Posted: 03-06-2019, 19:32:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:

i posted this topic a month ago but you (Plaguesynth ) rejected my topic and u said this is a bug why u rejected if this is a bug and not creating another post about this so i create a new topic about this and u said u can control youre uncontrollable pet how ? you can move youre gargoyle some where u want? no u cant its uncontrollable pet you can just give him a target. some people said every dots can break your eating its wrong dude you can eat when u have 999 dots its not problem, and u said this(The only issue I see here is the eating in arena being interrupted . It shouldnt be interrupted by any sort of dmg , but idk if thats only a dk issue did you try testing it with other classes aswell for instance warlocky applying debuffs that last for a longer period of time and interrupting you while eating ? )
so i tested and its only your crypt fever so confirm this topic

Bug description: When you take a any heal or food when u have Festering Wound the uncontrollable dk pet like gargoyle , apocalypse ghoul or Risen Skulker from first talent dk [All Will Serve] put u in combat for ever and u cant do anything.




Secondary Proof from this talent (When dk havent any controllable pet) : This time festering Wound dont go u in combat and u can use youre food but every heal from food make u stand up and Cancelled youre eating.




only one way u must going to combat and that way is a attack of any source, pet or player nothing else.
and one something else i created another topic about targeting pets and combat i think It's related whit this post.

Update @ 02-06-2019, 07:59:08

as you can see in proof 1 real time for leaving combat is a 6sec but i exit of combat about 11 sec after recived gargoyle spell and i used my food and here we go im in combat again because i have festering wound and crypt fever. its just happening when dk have Gargoyle or Risen skulker.

This is a bug and again rejected, you have dk iknow that and and I know u dont wanna fix it u need to enjoy that . Icant find for u a proof why crypt fever put you in combat we have no where conversation about your crypt fever and combat or canceling food mages so if u have brain u can let this topic open and others decide for this.

Lets have fun togother:)

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Dont talk down towards the staff !

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