
[REJECTED] Disappearing items

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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 11:58:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz item link: N/A ( all items from all slots are affected by this )
Bug description: After an item is unequipped it can disappear if certain conditions are met
Proof: I will post the proof later today if requested ( I need to make a video and I don't have time right now)

Step to reproduce:
1. Get your backpacks full( you should have an item in the backpacks that can be swapped with an equipped item).
2. Swap the item from your inventory with the item that is equipped.
3. Notice that the item from your inventory is equipped and the item that was unequipped disappeared.

- After the swap is made the user will have one free slot in their backpacks.
- I used an item bind on equip to reproduce the bug( I didn't had time to test with soulbound items)

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